What is nationalism?
Nationalism in Canada
French Revolution
French Revolution 2
Is Canada an ethnic nation?
Who visited Canada recently that we discussed as a trending event related to nationalism?
Prince William and Princess Kate, and their two children, George and Charlotte.
The nobility, aristocracy, and gentry all refer to which estate in pre-revolutionary France?
the second estate
Which king was in power at the time of the French Revolution?
King Louis XVI
___________ is a sense of unity brought on by cultural, political or geographic ties.
A "country" is more similar to a nation or a nation-state?
a nation-state
Which World War 1 battle changed the way Canada saw itself on the world stage?
Vimy Ridge
Why did King Louis XVI call the Estates General?
To get approval for raising taxes in order to fund the government's debt.
Who came up with the Tennis Court Oath?
The National Assembly (mostly 3rd estate, but also a few from the 1st estate)
What is the difference between a nation and a nation-state?
Nation states have defined borders while nations do not.
What is the main difference between civil and ethnic nationalism?
Civic nations are bound by political beliefs and ethnic nations are bound by racial, cultural or linguistic ties.
What is one reason people in Quebec have wanted to separate from the rest of Canada?
In Canada's earlier days, many francophones had to speak English at work because their English-speaking bosses did not understand French. Many people in Quebec felt the province needed to be independent in order to protect its language and culture.
Before the French Revolution, the _________ had all of the power. After the Revolution, the __________ had most of the power.
monarch/king people
The period in which people started questioning traditional religious beliefs and political systems is known as the Age of _________________.
"Canada is more like a tossed salad" is a statement relating to ___________________.
cultural pluralism
How did Napoleon help build a sense of nationalism in France?
He made them a great military power and streamlined its administration.
an Albertan who feels torn between the province's economic welfare and the negative effects of oil sands development is an example of:
contending loyalties
Why did so many French people resent Marie Antionette? Give a least 2 reasons.
Any 2 of the following: -the cake comment -the fact that she was from Austria -her outlandish spending -her supposed infidelity -and more...
What is the name of the document written by the National Assembly that took away the traditional power held by the first and second estates?
the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
What does "collective consciousness" mean? Provide at least 1 example.
An awareness shared by many people, often historical. Possible examples include the Bastille, Vimy Ridge, Boston Tea Party, 9/11
what are the 5 pillars of nationalism?
cultural, political, economic, geographic, historical
P__________ is an individual expression of nationalism.
What was the Reign of Terror?
Under the Committee of Public Safety, radicals such as Maximilian Robespierre sought out "counter-revolutionaries" and had them executed. Tens of thousands of French people lost their lives to the guillotine.
List 3 causes of the French Revolution.
Possible answers include but are not limited to... -famine -debt -the Enlightenment -news of the American revolution
Define and give at least one example of "reasonable accommodation."
A legal requirement in Canada that organizations and businesses adapt to the religious and cultural practices of minorities (as long as they don't hurt anyone) -example includes allowing an RCMP officer to wear a turban