The gluteus minimus muscle inserts into this roughened surface of the proximal femur.
What is greater trochanter?
2 sulci join to form this opening.
What is the sinus tarsi?
Metatarsals are examples of this kind of bone.
What are long bones?
This tubercle is found on the posterior aspect of the medial condyle.
What is the adductor tubercle?
This is where you can find the sustentaculum tali.
What is the medial surface of the calcaneus?
This ligament attaches to the apex of the patella.
What is patellar ligament?
You can find the groove for this tendon on the posterior surface of the distal tibia.
What is the tendon of the tibialis posterior?
These bones are located on the anterior aspect of the distal 1st metacarpal.
What are sesamoid bones?
This structure can be found on the posterior aspect of the shaft of the femur. It allows for the insertion of the pectineus muscle.
What is the pectineal line?
The calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms (1-3) AND 1ST-3rd metatarsals help to form this.
What are the bones in the foot that form the medial longitudinal arch?
This vessel lies in a groove on the inferior aspect of the 1st rib.
What is the subclavian vein?
This inserts into the middle 1/3, of the posterior aspect of the calcaneus.
What is the achilles tendon?
In an 8 year old, this carpal bone should have been the last to ossify.
What is the trapezoid?
This is a area is a common fracture site for small children.
What is the supracondylar ridges of the distal humerus.
This bone is palpable on the anterior aspect of the body and it's tip is found at the level of T10.
What is the xiphoid process?
This ligament runs from the inferior aspect of the lateral end of the clavicle and attaches to the corocoid process.
What is coracoclavicular ligament?
On the inferior aspect of this bone it anteriorly articulates with the calcaneus, in the middle it articulates with the sustentaculum tali and posteriorly it articulates with the calcaneus.
What are the articulations for the inferior aspect of the talus?
These bones articulate with the capitate.
What is the 2nd, 3rd and 4th MC, trapezoid, scaphoid
lunate, and hamate.
These are the small roughened areas above and below the glenoid cavity used for attachement of the triceps and biceps muscles.
What is the supraglenoid tubercle and infraglenoid tubercle?
The head of the rib articulates with this part of the vertebrae.
What is the vertebral body?
This lymph node is just superior to the medial epicondyle on the humerus.
What is the supratrochlear node?
The superior portion of the greater trochanter extends medially and overhangs this fossa.
What is the trochanteric fossa?
This ligament attaches to the pisiform, the hook of the hamate, the tubercle of the scaphoid and the tubercle of the trapezium.
What is flexor retinaculum?
This is where you can find the trapezoid ridge.
What is the inferior surface of the lateral aspect of the clavicle?
This ligament is the strongest ligament in the body and it's main function is to prevent hyperextension of the hip joint while standing erect.