I fell head ________ (two words) in love with him.
over heels
He has some _________. (Looking more then they should)
Wandering eyes
They're very good friends. They're thick ________ (two words)
as thieves
They're not together anymore. Yesterday they _________ (two words)
broke up
Those two get on like a ____________. (they have a good time together)
house on fire
Did you hear? They just got together, they're officially an ______.
Do you believe in love at ______ (two words)
first sight
Maybe she died, because she's __________ me right now.
We've known each other for a long time. We __________ (three words)
go way back
I wouldn't walk to Samantha, she and her boyfriend are _________. (Having relationship trouble, 3 words)
On the rocks
He's cute. I think I have a ________ on him.
She set me up on a _________ (two words). I don't even know what he looks like.
blind date
To propose (three words)
pop the question
Aren't they cute, acting like such _________. (Two words)
Love birds
We've known each other forever and been together through ______ (3 words)
Thick and Thin
They're too young to know the real thing. It's just ______ (two words).
puppy love
The couple at the bus stop were holding each other, kissing, and _____________ (three words).
Whispering sweet nothings
Ugh, I can't be around them until they're out of the _________. (Early relationship)
Honeymoon Phase
They had been dating for three years, so they decided to _________ (three words).
Tie the knot.
"How was your date last night?"
"Great! We really _________" (three words)
Hit it off.