All About Me and My Partner
Communication Skills
Healthy, Unhealthy or Abuse?
Support for All
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

Why is self acceptance important before starting to date?

You have to be comfortable in your own skin to be able to be comfortable with another person. Set goals, values and boundaries you want to have in a relationship.


What are two major types of communication?

Verbal and non-verbal


People in the LGBTQ+ relationships are just as at risk for dating violence as those in straight relationships.



The support of these people make navigating relationships much easier.

What are parents or guardians?


Who's choice is it to end a relationship?

you and your partner, no one else.


Name three qualities you want in a partner

Respect, trust, openness, honest, good communication...


What are factors that go in to successful communication?

Speaking clearly

word choice



active listening

body language


Spending time away from your partner is the sign of a healthy relationship.



Who support you in your relationship?

Partner, parents, family, friends, counselors


At what point should you seriously consider breaking up?

Its unsafe, or abusive, feeling pressured

Conflict resolution has not been affective, constant fighting

your or they are unhappy

not meeting relationship expectations



Me and my partner should have all the same interests



List three nonverbal ways to communicate

Body language

smile or facial expression

physical touch (hug, high fives, fist bumps)

written communication


Showing your partner your phone to prove you are faithful to them is normal.

False, its unhealthy


How can you support a friend in an unhealthy relationship?

Listen, support them, let them know you're there to help how ever they need it

dont tell them what to do

let an adult know if you think they are in danger


How can you be ready for a healthy break-up

Plan your wording ahead of time, choose a safe comfortable space, tell someone your plan, don't yell or get angry. Take time apart before talking again.


When is fighting ok in realtionships?

When you communicate effectively and can come to an agreement and understanding


List three way to deescalate an argument.

Do not raise your voice to be heard over a screaming person. Wait until they takes a breath, and then calmly talk in a soft, modulated tone. Allow time for the person to tire out. Listen actively and acknowledge the person's anger, e.g. “I understand you are upset.

agree to disagree

walk away


List 5 red flags in an unhealthy relationship

Monopolize your time, Confrontational or accusatory,Hostile in tone of body language, Yelling or raising voice, Refusing to listen, Degrading or insulting, makes fun of you or your emotions, Physical violence to you or other objects, Places blame, refuses to take or accept any blame, Brings up past events to hurt you, guilt tripping, You feel fearful of being honest, can’t or won’t negotiate, isolate you from friends and family, controls money or phone, speaks for you in social settings....


What are some ways partners can support each other?

Be open in communication

encourage time apart or with friends

celebrate them and their accomplishments

show interest in their interests

compliment them or build self esteem


What is normal healthy post break-up emotions?

Feeling sad or angry, guilt, loneliness, happiness, relieved...

What are boundaries?

Limits set to outline how comfortable you are going, physically or otherwise


Describe active listening and why it is important.

Using body language, eye contact, head movements and facial expressions while listening to reassure the speaker that you understand them and to show you care for and respect them.


What two things are the line from unhealthy to abuse

Balance and Power are not equal


What resources are their for people in abusive relationships

DOVE, Love is, local community shelters, counselors at school, police or medical professionals, friends or family


Why is it hard for people to leave abusive relationships?

Isolation from friends and family, no access to their own money or car, fear of physical violence, guilt or shame.

 They believe abuse is normal. 

Love the person. Believe they can change

Kids. Pets.