What's a relationship green flag?
Everyone has the same boundaries and that's how you know how to treat others.
What is an anger management skill?
Deep breathing, walking away, counting to 10, stress ball, using "I" statements
Ashley's friends told her that they saw her boyfriend at the mall with another girl. Instead of jumping to conclusions, Ashley waits until she is calm to ask her boyfriend about this.
Ask someone to send you an intimate image?
What are some signs you are in a healthy relationship?
Communication, respect, trust, affection, can be yourself, conflict resolution
One of your boundaries is no kissing on a first date, but its ok to change this boundary if you really like the person.
Of course! As long as you feel safe/comfortable you can change boundaries all the time.
What are some unhealthy communication skills?
Yelling, name calling/blaming, ignoring, giving in, never giving in, not listening, playing victim, violence, threatening
Calling your boyfriend/girlfriend disrespectful names or touching them in a way that makes them uncomfortable
To share naked pictures of your gf/bf with friends?
Absolutely not
What are some signs you are in an unhealthy relationship?
Fear, lack of communication, lying, manipulation, hiding your feelings/emotions, giving more
Your date pressured you into kissing them even though if no kissing was one of your boundaries, but you think its ok because they said they might love you.
What are healthy communication skills?
Calm/even tone, using "I" statements, compromise, dealing with conflict, listening, talking about boundaries
You found out your friend's partner isn't treating them with love/respect. How do you provide help/support for someone in an unhealthy relationship?
Tell them they deserve to be treated with love/respect, listen to them, support them and encourage them to talk to a professional
To ask a person on your softball league on a date after knowing them for a few months?
Yes, this is okay!
What are some things you can do to form new relationships?
Clubs/activities, new hobbies, new friendship groups...
There's a new student at school and they have said they don't want a girlfriend right now. You decide to keep asking them out anyways because you really like them. What are you doing?
Harassing them. You are also ignoring their boundaries and disrespecting them.
Sam and Toby are on their first date. What kinds of things should they discuss on their date?
"Small" Talk topics, start establishing boundaries
Blowing up someone's phone when they don't text you back quickly
For someone to get mad and threaten you once you've set a boundary?
Nope. In a healthy relationship, people can manage their emotions and know how to calm themselves down.