Healthy Relationships
Unhealthy Relationships

What is a boundary?

Roadmaps for interactions and behaviors that we find acceptable or unacceptable.


Identify 2 characteristics of a healthy relationship.

Trust, equality, honesty, respect 


Name 2 characteristics of an unhealthy relationship.

Lack of trust, disrespect, poor boundaries, no time spent apart


Define codependency 

A way of behaving in relationships where you persistently prioritize someone else over you, and you assess your mood based on how they behave.


Where does attachment form from?

Our primary caregivers 


We use this kind of statement when setting a boundary

"I" statements 


In a healthy relationship, ________ is key to solving problems and conflicts



Unhealthy relationships are usually based on _______ which creates an unbalanced dynamic in a relationship.

Power and control


Often, codependent traits develop from our _____ of origin. 



Name the 4 attachment styles

Secure, anxious-ambivalent, fearful/avoidant, disorganized 


We are _____ responsible for other people's emotional reactions to setting a boundary.



Healthy relationships are based on mutual ______.



Identify 3 types of abuse that can take place in a relationship. 

Physical, emotional, sexual, financial


A support group that can help with issues of codependency 



Identify 2 characteristics of anxious attachment.

  1. signs of codependency
  2. intense emotional discomfort or avoidance of being alone
  3. difficulty setting boundaries
  4. fear of abandonment
  5. feeling like you’re unworthy of love
  6. feeling dependent on others
  7. frequent need for validation
  8. an intense desire for intimacy or closeness
  9. tendency to feel or act jealous
  10. people-pleasing tendencies
  11. low self-esteem
  12. sensitivity to changes in how others feel, speak, or behave
  13. tolerating unhealthy behaviors in relationships
  14. difficulty trusting others

Double Jeopardy: 

Give an example of an "I" statement 

"I feel _____ when _____. I understand _____. In the future I need _____.


In healthy relationships, we establish ______ as guidelines for what we are willing to accept 



_______ is the term used when a person alters another person's sense of reality in an attempt to manipulate them.



Codependency is a type of ______ addiction.

Love and relationship 


Identify 2 characteristics of disorganized attachment.

  • Mixed feelings about close relationships
  • Desire emotionally close relationships yet feel uncomfortable with emotional closeness
  • Negative views about self and partners
  • View themselves as unworthy of responsiveness, at the same time not trusting partners' intentions
  • Seek less emotional closeness and frequently suppress or deny feelings
  • Less comfortable expressing affection
  • May experience freezing, states of rigidity, “stuck” repetitive behaviors, or flooding of emotion
  • Uncomfortable with closeness and distance from others

Name 3 types of boundaries 

Physical, emotional, financial, time, intellectual 


In a healthy relationship, we are comfortable spending time ________ or ________.

Together or apart


Double Jeopardy: 

Name the 3 roles in the drama triangle.

Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer 


Double Jeopardy: 

Identify 4 characteristics of codependency 

  1. a deep-seated need for approval from others
  2. self-worth that depends on what others think about you
  3. a habit of taking on more work than you can realistically handle, both to earn praise or lighten a loved one’s burden
  4. a tendency to apologize or take on blame in order to keep the peace
  5. a pattern of avoiding conflict 
  6. a tendency to minimize or ignore your own desires
  7. excessive concern about a loved one’s habits or behaviors
  8. a habit of making decisions for others or trying to “manage” loved ones
  9. a mood that reflects how others feel, rather than your own emotions
  10. guilt or anxiety when doing something for yourself
  11. doing things you don’t really want to do, simply to make others happy
  12. idealizing partners or other loved ones, often to the point of maintaining relationships that leave you unfulfilled
  13. overwhelming fears of rejection or abandonment

Identify 4 traits of secure attachment

  • Self-worth and self-confidence, a sense of personal empowerment rather than helplessness
  • Social skills and the ability to make and maintain friendships
  • Appropriate independent and dependent behaviors in relationships, neither avoiding nor desperately seeking intimacy
  • Adaptability and flexibility in relationships and other life situations, including conflict
  • Resilience and a high tolerance of frustration
  • Self-reliance
  • Empathy and an understanding of emotions (your own and others’)
  • Trust
  • Optimism, hope, and the belief in one’s ability to solve problems and overcome obstacles
  • Belief that the world is safe and predictable