Healthy Relationships
Unhealthy Relationships

True or false: Every healthy relationship is perfect and requires no work?

FALSE: Even healthy relationships will require work and effort, and none will be perfect. 


True or false: Unhealthy relationships only happen in romantic relationships. 

FALSE, unhealthy qualities can occur in any type of relationship. 

True or false: Healthy relationships have NO conflicts or disagreements.

FALSE, Conflicts and disagreements are normal. It depends on how they are handled that makes a difference.


Who can experience abuse? 

Anyone and everyone. 


Name one example of a healthy couple in the media (movies, TV shows, etc.), give reasons why you chose them. 



What is a boundary? 

A rule or expectation you set in a relationship to establish what you want out of that dynamic and what you're comfortable with. 


A partner tracking your location and constantly texting or calling you about your whereabouts shows a lack of what in the relationship?



Using the "silent treatment" is an example of what style of communication?

Passive-aggressive communication.


Name at least two forms of abuse that can occur in relationships. 

Physical, mental, emotional, sexual, financial. 

What can you do if you notice unhealthy qualities in a friend's relationship? 

Bring it up in a nonjudgmental way and talk about it with them. Let them know you are there for them if they need support. 


Name three qualities of a healthy relationship.

Respect, good communication, honesty, loyalty, equality, boundaries, trust, support, enjoy each others' company, etc. 


Name three red flags (unhealthy qualities) you might see in a relationship? 

Abuse, jealousy, manipulation, lying, gaslighting, pressure, crossing boundaries, name-calling, blackmailing, threatening, etc. 


What are some signs that you are not communicating effectively with your partner/friend?

Not feeling comfortable or being afraid to express wants, needs, fears, etc., or dreading/avoiding conversations about difficult topics.


What are two examples of financial abuse? 

Money being stolen, restricting someone's access to money or employment opportunities, fraud, ruining your credit score, force you to pay for their bills or constantly bail them out of difficult financial situations, etc. 


Name two different relationship dynamics you might have in life?

Romantic, friendships, familial, acquaintances, coworkers, classmates, strangers, etc. 


What is considered the best style of communication for a healthy relationship, explain why?

Assertive. Communicating your needs/wants while not hurting the other person's feelings intentionally. Willing to talk things out and compromise if needed. 


When a partner keeps you from seeing or talking to friends and/or family, usually in an effort to control you. 



Using statements such as "I don't care" and "It doesn't matter to me" when you actually do care and it does matter to you are examples of what style of communication? 

Passive communication. 


Give a reason why someone in an abusive relationship might struggle to leave? 

They rely on their partner financially, feel like they have nowhere to go, think their partner might get better/stop abusing them, worried about what other people might say, have children they're worried about, partner has threatened them about leaving, etc. 


What is Erin's Law? 

Law created by childhood sexual abuse survivor that requires lessons to be taught in schools about what abuse is, warning signs, and skills such as how to tell trusted adults and creating personal safety rules. 

What is one healthy strategy you can use when having conflict with someone? 

Taking a time out, "I" messages, assertive communication, talking when you've both cooled off, not yelling/getting physical.


A form of emotional abuse. When a person manipulates the other that they're remembering things wrong or that they're misinterpreting events. Also when the other person presents their own thoughts and feelings as the truth.



Name the four types of communication. 

Verbal, nonverbal, visual, and written. 


1 in ____ adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner.



How many MILLION high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year? 

A. 1 million 

B. 1.2 million 

C. 1.5 million

C. 1.5 million