True or False
Types of Communication
Warning Signs
Types of abuse
Qualities of a relationship

True or False: Abuse is only physical.

False. Abuse exists on a spectrum ranging from toxic to abusive and can be in different forms and severity.


Withholding communication to establish power and control.

What is "The Silent Treatment" 


Beginning of dating, the person begins to shower you with gifts and compliments.

What is "Love Bombing"


Threatening to expose one's weakness. Spreading rumors and lies about someone. This can look like pressuring someone into engaging in risky behaviors that can result in harm. Think of hazing. 

What is "Peer Pressure"


True or False: Unhealthy relationships are about equal partnership.

False. Abusive relationships are all about dominance over control and power. 


True or False: Abuse only happens to women.

False. Abuse happens to anyone regardless of gender or sexual orientation. 


Being emotionally dishonest. You become sarcastic. Deny any problems. Secretly feels like plotting to get them back and becoming resentful. You act unhappy to make a point but say nothing is wrong until they bring it up. "No offense..." or eye rolling. More subtly ways come up like "You surprisingly did a good job." 

What is "Passive Aggressive"


You go out with your friends, and your partner questions who you were hanging out with in an accusatory tone, insinuating you have been cheating on them. 

What is "Jealousy"


Hitting, slapping, kicking, throwing objects, damaging personal property, strangulation, using weapons, to harm partner.  

What is "Physical Abuse"


Listening to your partner non-judgmentally, validating their feelings, and valuing their opinions.

What is "Respect"


True or False: 1 in 15 high school students has experienced physical violence from a dating partner in the past year. 

False: 1 in 10 high school students has experienced physical violence from a dating partner in the past year. 


Communication is firm and direct. Use of "I" statements. Appears confident and comfortable. Is respectful in their communication. 

What is "Assertive"

You and your partner get into a disagreement, and it turns into them smashing an object.

What is "Intimidation"


Threats, insults, screaming, and name-calling. Using manipulation tactics to make one feel crazy, insane, or invalid. 

What is "Emotional/Verbal Abuse"


Admitting when in the wrong and apologizing and taking an effort to change behavior. 

What is "Accountability"


True or False: Approximately 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men who experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner first experienced some form of partner violence between 11 and 17 years of age. 



Explosive, hurtful, yelling, does not consider any of their own responsibility to the situation.

What is "Aggressive"

Your partner always asks you what you are doing or where you are and becomes quick to anger when you do not respond to their texts or phone calls. 

What is "Monitoring"

Taking efforts to control partner in what they do, who they see, where they are/go, and what they wear. Turns into partner's support system shrinking. Using jealousy or "concern" to justify actions. 

What is "Isolation" and "Controlling"


When a someone feels safe around their partner, friend, or family member. 

What is "Trust"


True or False: 25% of female victims in abusive relationships die by their abusive partner. 2% of male victims in abusive relationships die by their abusive partner.

False. 50% of female victims and 10% of male victims.


People-pleasing. Emotionally dishonest with self and others. Does not express needs. Expects others to interpret their needs. 

What is "Passive"

You bring up a concern, and your partner tells you that you are being dramatic, does not take any responsibility, plays the victim "twisting the story." In more extreme scenarios, tells you that you are crazy and insane. 

What is "Gaslighting" 


Any sexual behavior performed without one's consent.

What is "Sexual Abuse"


When a person feels encouraged and motivated by their friend, partner, or family member.

What is "Support"