Healthy or Unhealthy
Is It OK?

What is a relationship?

An emotional connection between two people.


What are boundaries?

Personal guidelines or limits that people set to define what is acceptable, safe, and reasonable behavior from others in their relationships.


Why is communication important in relationships? 

So you're on the same page, show respect, avoid conflict/drama


Peter's girlfriend is out of town so he calls her every five minutes.



To a hug a co-worker?



Who are people you can have a relationship with?

Family, Friends, Boy/Girlfriend, Husband/Wife, Support Staff, etc.


How do we learn what someone's boundaries are?

Ask them!


What is an anger management skill?

Deep breathing, walking away, counting to 10, stress ball, using "I" statements, exercise, etc.


Wanda really wants to be friends with the new girl at her AA meetings.  She starts off by introducing her self and saying hi when she see's her at the meetings. After a week she asks her if she wants to grab a coffee together.



To write a love note to your neighbor?



What are some signs you are in a healthy relationship?

Communication, respect, trust, affection, can be yourself, conflict resolution


One of your boundaries you do not want your picture posted on social media but your friend took a really nice picture of you both and you think you would like to change your mind and let them post it.  Is it ok to change your mind and boundary?

Yes! As long as you feel comfortable you can change boundaries all the time.


What are some unhealthy communication skills?

Yelling, name calling/blaming, ignoring, giving in, never giving in, not listening, playing victim


Tom's friends always encourage him to meet them at the bar after work.  Last week they told him how funny it would be for him to streak through the parking lot on their way home. Tom spent the night in jail for indecent exposure but all his friends laughed and invited him out for drinks the next day. 



To share personal information about your best friend with other people?

No, unless they are unsafe then you should tell a trusted support.


What are some signs you are in an unhealthy relationship?

Fear, lack of communication, lying, manipulation, hiding your feelings/emotions, giving more


You made a new friend while volunteering at the animal shelter.  They told you they would text you later to meet up at the baseball game.  They texted you to say they can't go because they aren't feeling good.  You keep texting them multiple times in a row because they stopped answering you.  Have you crossed a boundary?  

Yes, the other person set a boundary when they stopped answering.


What are healthy communication skills?

Calm/even tone, compromise, dealing with conflict, active listening, talking about boundaries, etc.


Your friend's new boyfriend has been accompanying her everywhere recently. They always have a good time and never fight but you notice she is pulling away from the rest of the friend group and will not meetup with other friends if he is unable to join her. Why is this unhealthy?

Monopolizing someone's time time and energy in any relationship, as well as limiting who else can have their time is controlling and unhealthy.


To ask a person on your bowling league to hang out outside of bowling (like going to grab a bite to eat after).



What are some things you can do to form new relationships?

Clubs/activities, volunteering, at a job, church, etc.


There's a new co-worker at your job and they have made it clear they don't date co-workers. You both have been getting along well at work and you decide to ask them out anyways because you really like them. What are you doing?

Ignoring and crossing their boundaries.


Janice and John are on their first date. What kinds of things should they discuss on their date?

"Small" Talk topics, start establishing boundaries.


Kyle and Jen have been together for just a few weeks and Kyle wants to take things slow. Jen would be comfortable with a faster pace and checks in occasionally to see where Jen is and expressing their desire to be more official.



To tell your boss you like their new hair style?
