Preparing for marriage
Hodge Podge
terms to know

People you know but who are not your close friends.

What are acquaintances?


The two styles of dating.

What are formal and informal dating?


A statement that specifically express the couple’s commitment to each other. Traditional part of the marriage ceremony.

What are vows?


Adults other than your parents who play an important part in your life.

What are significant adults?


This term means focusing on the differences that exist between people of different cultures.

What is diversity?


Consists of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives. Can assist with childcare, and discuss common questions about parenting.

What are support networks?


The two types of love.

What are romantic love and mature love?


The two purposes that a wedding ceremony serves.

What are:

1.Meets requirement that a couple be legally joined together by a licensed official.

2. Symbolizes the couple’s commitment to the relationship.


To create an atmosphere in which the other person feels comfortable and wants to talk.

What is rapport?


A social activity in which a couple spends time together getting to know each other.

What is dating?


The three ways to handle negative peer pressure.

What are:

1. Passive

2. Aggressive

3. Assertive

The three ways that understanding dating’s purpose and process helps you in the following ways:

What are:

1. Keep a positive attitude about yourself.

2. Avoid long-term commitments too early in life.

3.You make decisions that are consistent with your long-term goals.


Four positive reasons for wanting to get married.

What are:

-Mature love

- Intimacy


-A desire to grow together throughout life.


Strong feelings of attraction that focus on the self rather than on the well being of the other person.  The other person may not share the same feelings.

What is infatuation?


People who have many similarities, are more likely to have a satisfying marriage.

What is homogamy?


The four levels of friendship.

What are:

1. casual acquaintances

2. Frequent acquaintances

3. Mutual friends

4. Close friends


The three stages of the dating process.

What are:

1. group dating

2. Pair dating

3. steady dating


Couples work together to carry out a task.

What is role sharing?


Three possible reasons to end an engagement.

What are:

-May discover not suitable for each other

-Personal differences may emerge

-Poor communication patterns


A period of time that allows a couple to relax after the wedding.

What is a honeymoon?


The seven ways that friendships can help you.

What are:

1.Friendships can help you know and understand your own thoughts and feelings.

2. Friendships can help you accept yourself as a person and increase you self-esteem.

3. Friendships can help you develop empathy.

4. Friendships can hep you increase your communication skills

5. Friendships can help you to learn to work cooperatively

6.Friendships can satisfy the need for companionship

7. Friendships help you prepare for future long-term relationships.


The 4 stages of the growth of mature love.

What are:

1.The two individuals develop rapport.

2. As rapport grows, the couple begins to share more personal thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

3.The couple begins to depend on each other for support and encouragement.

4. Both feel their needs are being met in the relationship.


Seven things to consider when evaluating a relationship.

What are:

1. age at marriage

2. what do you have in common?

3.How well do you communicate?

4. How well do you make decisions together?

5. How well do you solve problems together?

6. What do your family and friends think?

7. What is your reason for wanting to marry?


The three different relationships you have at work.

What are:

Customer relations

Relating to fellow employees

Relationships with supervisors


This term means each person takes a role that supplies what the other person lacks.

What are complementary roles?