Healthy Relationships
How To Help A Family/Friend
True / False

When ______ is present in your relationship, your partner will value your beliefs, opinions and who you are as a person.

What Is "Respect"

When a friend tells you that they are in an abusive relationship you should

 A) Qustion them 

B) Ignore them 

C) Believe them 

D) None of the above

"Believe them"

What is an example of a boundary?

What is "walls, fences, rivers, lines on a athletic field, a certain level of communication, etc."


Your boundaries will always stay the same.

What is "false"

What sign is it when you and your partner have the same say and put equal effort into the relationship, instead of feeling like one person has more say than the other. 

What is "Equality"

Is abuse the fault of the survivors, the abusers, or no ones?

What is "the abuser"

What is boundaries?

What is "something that sets a border or limit." This can be used to define physical or emotional space, distance or closeness between you and another person.


An injunction for protection is the same as a restraining order?

What is "true"

What sign is it when you can talk to your partner/friend about anything, the good and the bad.

What is "Communication"

When do you begin to judge your friend that is in an abusive relationship?

 A) When they continue to get back with the abuser 

B) When they are trying to leave the relationship 

C) Never 

D) When you don't believe them

What is "never"

How do you feel when someone ignores or disrespects your boundaries on purpose?


A person has the right to end a relationship when their feelings change.

What is "true"

When ________ is present in your relationship, you feel confident that they have your back and you are able to rely on them.

What is "loyalty" 

When your friend is talking to you about their abusive relationship, you should

 A) Tell your friend to break up with their partner 

B) Tell them their foolish for even being with them

C) Tell them every relationship has their ups & downs 

D) Provide facts and resources that you have and encourage them to make the decision that is best for them.

What is "Provide facts and resources that you have and encourage them to make the decision that is best for them".


What happens when boundaries are broken? 

A) You may get arrested for trespassing 

B) You may get a sports penalty 

C) You may have to abide by different rules or laws if you cross into a different country 

D) You may make someone feel angry, sad, or scared

E) All of the above 

F) None of the above 

What is "All of the above" 
Understanding the signs of a unhealthy relationship can prevent dating violence.
What is "true"

A ________ relationship is based on mutual respect and equality.

What is "Healthy"

If you feel that your friend is in an abusive relationship then you should

What is "encourage them to talk to a safe adult. If they are unwilling to talk to a safe adult on their own, talk to a safe adult that you feel comfortable with."


People have boundaries to protect the things that are most important to them and to protect themselves. Our boundaries help define our _____________

What is "comfort zone"
A red ribbon symbolizes the awareness of domestic violence.
What is "false"