Use a proper pronoun
Use a proper pronoun (2)
Defining or non-defining?
How many pronouns
can we use?
I know a man _______ can touch the tip of his nose with the tip of his tongue.
I know a man WHO / THAT can touch the tip of his nose with the tip of his tongue.
I had never seen a woman __________ could run so fast!
I had never seen a woman WHO / THAT could run so fast!
I was sitting on a chair which belonged to my grandmother.
DEFINING. Of all chairs, this one belonged to my grandmother.

..... are the books I borrowed from the library.

These are the books I borrowed from the library.

Our friend Anthony works at the bar __________ Amy Whinehouse celebrated her last party.
Our friend Anthony works at the bar WHERE Amy Whinehouse celebrated her last party.
Do you know the woman ______ husband found a job in China?
Do you know the woman WHOSE husband found a job in China?
Sandra, __________ job as a hotel manager gives her many headaches, went to a spa last week.
Sandra, WHOSE job as a hotel manager gives her many headaches, went to a spa last week.
I know a man who played for Arsenal in the 80s.
DEFINING. Of all men, this one played for Arsenal.

..... was a fantastic meal!

THAT was a fantastic meal!

The garden is the part of the house _________ I love the most.
The garden is the part of the house WHICH / THAT / Ø I love the most.
Wilt Chamberlain is the only basketball player __________ was able to score 100 points in an NBA game.
Wilt Chamberlain is the only basketball player WHO / THAT was able to score 100 points in an NBA game.
The book ____________ I read last week is fascinating. You must read it, too!
The book WHICH / THAT / Ø I read last week is fascinating. You must read it, too!
I love New Zealand, whose landscapes are simply spectacular.
NON-DEFINING. We are describing New Zealand.

..... is the phone I want to buy.

THIS is the phone I want to buy.

I'm going out with a girl __________ smile is the sweetest thing on Earth.
I'm going out with a girl WHOSE smile is the sweetest thing on Earth.
Because I am unemployed I am currently living at my parents' house, _________ is an annoying situation.
Because I am unemployed I am currently living at my parents' house, WHICH is an annoying situation.
The book __________ I found the information is on the table.
The book WHERE I found the information is on the table.
The King of Spain, who loves sailing, participated in the Olympics.
NON-DEFINING. There is only one king of Spain.

..... were my childhood toys. (Looking at old toys in the attic)

THOSE were my childhood toys. (Looking at old toys in the attic)

I can't pass an exam __________ is designed for First Certificate students.
I can't pass an exam THAT / WHICH is designed for First Certificate students.
That casino is the Bellagio, __________ Ocean's people robbed $3.6 million last year.
That casino is the Bellagio, WHERE Ocean's people robbed $3.6 million last year.
Mary, __________ lives in Scotland, hates the rain.
Mary, WHO lives in Scotland, hates the rain.
The king of England who created the Anglican Church was Henry VIII.
DEFINING: Of all kings of England in history, that one.

..... were too expensive for my budget. (Talking about items farther away)

THOSE were too expensive for my budget. (Talking about items farther away)

I broke my hand playing tennis and I cannot write any exam, ________ is a problem.
I broke my hand playing tennis and I cannot write any exam, WHICH is a problem.