1. What is the holy book of Islam?
The Quran.
Who is the founder of Buddhism?
Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Buddha.
What is the holy book of Christianity?
The Bible.
What is the Islamic declaration of faith?
Kalimai shahodat.
What is the Islamic holy month of fasting called?
8. What is the Jewish holy city?
What is the Christian sacrament that symbolizes the cleansing of sin?
Baptism(Suvga Chomish )
What is the holy day of the week for Jews?
Saturday (shabbat)
In Christianity, who is considered the son of God?
Jesus Christ.(Iso Masih)
What is the Jewish holy festival that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt?
Passover(Fisih bayrami .Bayramni nishonlash bo'yicha Bibliya qoidalari barcha xamirturushlarni 15 nison boshlanishidan oldin yo'q qilishni talab qiladi. Korban Pesach yoki “Pasxa qoʻzisi” deb nomlanuvchi begʻubor qoʻzi yoki echki 10 nisonda ajratiladi va 15 nisonga tayyorgarlik koʻrish uchun 14 nison tugashi bilan oqshom chogʻida soʻyiladi. qovurilgan. Ibroniychaning so'zma-so'z ma'nosi "ikki oqshom o'rtasida". Keyin uni "o'sha kechada", 15 nisonda qovurilgan holda, ichki a'zolarini olib tashlamasdan xamirturushsiz non, matzo deb ataladigan va maror deb nomlanuvchi achchiq o'tlar bilan iste'mol qilinadi. Nison oyining 15-kunida tongda quyosh chiqadigan qurbonlikdan hech narsa yeb boʻlmaydi, lekin uni yoqish kerak.)
What is the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca called?
What are the writings of Jewish tradition and law known as?
The Torah.(Tavrot)
What are the five pillars of Islam?
Faith (Shahada), Prayer (Salat), Charity (Zakat), Fasting (Sawm), and Pilgrimage (Hajj). (Iymon, namoz, zakot, ro‘za va haj)
In Christianity, what event is celebrated on Easter? PASXA
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
In Islam, what is the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr)?
It is believed to be the night when the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
In Judaism, who is believed to be the father of the Jewish people?
What is the holy city for Christians where Jesus Christ was born?
Bethlehem (Baytlahm)
Who is the main figure in Buddhism who guides and inspires followers on the path to enlightenment?
The Buddha
What is the Hindu festival of lights that celebrates the victory of light over darkness and good over evil?
Who is the archangel believed to have revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad in Islam?