Who said, “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me”?
Jesus Christ
Name a person in the scriptures who faithfully obeyed the Lord without having all the answers first. Explain their story.
Good job :)
“Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the source of all _______”
Fill in the blank to Elder Soares closing statement: “What works for Thee works for _____”
In Christ’s parable, what did the merchant sell all of his possessions to buy?
A pearl of great price
Who said: “Asking questions isn’t a sign of weakness [but] a precursor of growth”?
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Who helped Naaman reach out to the prophet Elisha to be healed of leprosy?
A servant girl, a “little maid"
According to Elder Soares, “Following the Lord’s will in our life will enable us to find the most precious pearl in the world”. What is the pearl?
The Kingdom of Heaven
“Real intent means that one _______ ________ to follow the divine direction given” - President Nelson
really intends
What was Naaman’s occupation?
Military leader
Who taught that, “revelation from God is always compatible with His eternal law”?
President Russell M. Nelson
“Ask, and it shall be _______ you; seek, and ye shall ________; knock, and it shall be ________ unto you”?
given, find, opened
God gives us the ______ ______ “to be our personal teacher”
Holy Ghost
According to Sister Browning, The Book of Mormon demonstrates that when God’s children choose ___________ they are blessed with “spiritual guidance and direction”
Who named Pluto?
An 11 year old girl named Venetia Burney
Who taught this principle: “To exercise faith is to trust that the Lord knows what He is doing with you and that He can accomplish it for your eternal good even though you cannot understand how He can possibly do it.”
Richard G. Scott
The Lord’s method of teaching is “_______ upon ________, _________ upon __________”
Line upon line, precept upon precept
God’s plan is designed to help us progress “even without a __________ __________ of all things”
complete knowledge
According to Elder Soares, what is the “ultimate test of our discipleship”?
“Our willingness to give up and lose our old self and submit our heart and our whole soul to God so that His will becomes ours”
The Pharisees rejected Christ’s teachings on the grounds that they were __________ of ____________.
Children of Abraham
Who referred to “sanctifying pursuits” as “having the mind of Christ”?
The Apostle Paul
What did Adam say when the angel of the Lord asked him why he was making animal sacrifices?
“I know not, save the Lord commanded me”
“Being sincerely ______________ is an even more important goal than being authentic” - Quentin L. Cook
According to Sister Browning, our pursuit of spiritual knowledge will be incomplete without seeking to understand these five things:
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Their Gospel, Their Church, Their plan
A popular current trend is the lifestyle that proclaims, “No matter what, I live my own ________ or I do what works for ____”.
truth, me