What year was St. Francis High School Established?
This term is used to describe the ways that God reveals himself to humanity, either through the human experience or through sacred scripture.
In Deus Caritas Est, Pope Benedict explains that this attribute is what sums up God's being.
These two "lifestyles" aid us in our relationship with God.
Religion and Spirituality
The doctrine that God becomes a human person in the person of Jesus Christ, who is fully divine is known as...
The incarnation
What Congregation sponsors SFHS
The Brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross
Medieval Philosopher and Theologian who sought to make connections between faith and reason
Thomas Aquinas
Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnibenevolent, Omnipresent
Why is the soul so important for connection with God?
This is the immortal aspect of the human person and it is the aspect that exists beyond the limits of time and space. Our soul, made unique for each individual by God, is what helps us to become who God intended us to be (with all our passions, emotions, gifts, etc.). Our soul helps us to connect with God in this life, and hopes to be with God in the afterlife.
Why might the Gospels not speak specifically about Jesus' physical characteristics, but rather about his actions?
The Gospels show us how we are called to live LIKE Jesus, in action, word, and deed. Jesus provides for us a standard for cultivating healthy relationships with God, self, others, and creation!
What two Holy Cross Saints do we ask intercessory prayers from?
St. Andre Bessette and Blessed Basil Moreau
Explain the Argument from Degrees of Perfection.
all things are measured to a highest standard, the most perfect being, there is only one perfect being: God.
Since we cannot fully comprehend God, nor grasp his attributes in totality, what literary devices do we resort to using?
Metaphors and/or Analogies
Why is God known as a "living God" in the Christian Tradition?
Christians believe that God is a God who responds to our human needs, hungers, emotions, and desires. Since God has no beginning or end, God continues to exist and respond to God's people through nature, scripture, prayer, and sacrament.
How does the Story of Jesus' Birth reveal to us how God is a God of surprise?
The concept of God becoming human is a shock to all. A baby, born to a teenage mother and a foster father all provide us insight into how God can do great things with even the most difficult of circumstances. God surprises us to help us see the beauty of a relationship with God.
What is the Mission of people in the Congregation of Holy Cross? (Three Aspects)
To Teach, To Heal, To Pray
Explain the Moral argument for the existence of God
"The argument that maintains that morality, to be more than a desire from within. Rather, it must come from an obligation guaranteed by a supreme being, God."
How might learning about God's attributes be similar to getting to know a friend?
When we cultivate friendships, we try to get to know who they are (Their passions, joys, hobbies, characteristics, musical interests, etc). So too, with God! :)
It can change our perspective because our challenges and sufferings can thus become opportunities to lean on God and others. We know that we are not alone during these difficult times and they allow us to see how "offering it up" can be efficacious for ourselves or for others.
The themes of Advent season are....
Joy, Peace, Hope, Love
Name all 4 Bric Values, in reverse order, Then explain how these values help us cultivate healthy relationships?
Celebrate Family, Inspire Integrity, Respect others, Bring Hope
How might learning about Proofs for God relate to cultivating healthy relationships?
In any human relationship, we need to grow in understanding of who the person we trying to make a connection with is. What they are like, what makes us connect. Since we can't see God, we can use the Proofs to help us understand who God is and what God might be like, if we were to meet Him face to face.
How might God being Love help us understand why we are called to Love others?
If God is Love and God loves everyone, thus, we in turn are called to love others. We become extensions of God's own Love when we care for our neighbors, especially those who are on the margins of society.
What might prayer, spirituality, and religion teach us about cultivating healthy relationships?
Through prayer, spirituality, and religion, we are able to cultivate a lifestyle of healthy relationship with God and others. Prayer teaches us the importance of spending time with the people whom we love. Spirituality and religion teach us the necessity of practicing the virtue of Faith (trust and belief in God and in others).
How do the Advent themes help us better understand what healthy relationship with God and neighbor might look like?
The themes of Advent help us to know the "why" behind our love for the Christmas Season. We believe and trust in God and in others, we find joy in relationship, we find peace in creating community and we become extensions of God's love. Thus, the Advent reveals to us that healthy relationships are founded on our ability to be people of Hope, Joy, Love, and Peace.