What is the first sacrament of Initiation?
This refers to God's gift to us, helping us know right from wrong. Maybe feeling bad when you do something wrong
This type refers to working together at home
This is where we receive a final blessing and are told to go in peace
Concluding Rite
This sacrament is very special because the person is consuming the body and blood of Christ
This refers to the natural moral law that we all have. Otherwise known as WWJD?
Divine Law
This refers to the act of being freed from sin (after you have asked for forgiveness)
This type involves helping those people around the world who we may not know, but we are still brothers and sisters in Christ
This is where we receive the body and blood of Christ
Liturgy of the Eucharist
This sacrament consists of two people who vow to love and serve each other forever
This refers to Chris rising from the dead
This refers to the ability to make your own choices ( in a good way)
Free Will
This type involves helping those near us, maybe outside of our family
This is where we are welcomed in to the church and we begin with the sing of the cross
Introductory Rite
This refers to the act of being very religious and acting with true faith
This refers to how every person is worthy because they are made in God's image.
An example of this type would involve gathering clothing donations for refugees from Israel
This is where we listen to the word of God and the readings.
Liturgy of the Word
This sacrament is one that solidifies a young person's faith journey and are anointed with oil by the Bishop
To make it right with our relationship with God
A religious time that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at Easter
This type involves cutting the grass for your parents, and obeying their wishes
We begin Mass by asking for forgiveness for our sins
Introductory Rite