What does faith mean to me?

When someone gives us a gift, we are touched by their thoughtfulness, grateful for their generosity, and very excited to find out what is inside!


How can I prepare for the comings of Christ?

We remember the birth of Jesus 2000 years ago and think about how it is part of God’s plan for our salvation.


What helps me understand right from wrong?

In the Book of Genesis, we see how Adam and Eve chose to turn from God’s love when they betrayed His trust. They could have lived their lives in perfect harmony with God in paradise. Instead, they chose to believe the devil’s lies and to act selfishly.


How do we celebrate Lent?

As we celebrate Lent and think about Jesus’ suffering, we are inspired by Jesus’ love for us and strengthened by God’s grace for our own life journey.


What do we call the value that every person is born with, as a child of God?

human dignity.


What does the Messiah bring to all people?

Because of free will and the possibility of making selfish choices, sin still separates people from God. By dying on the cross, Jesus saved us from our sins.


Why is the second coming important during Advent?


What does it mean to make a morally good decision?

Free will is the freedom that God gives us to think for ourselves. Think of free will as a noun. It is something we have. Free choice, on the other hand, is an action. It is what we do with free will. Think of free choice as a verb.

As toddlers, we often acted thoughtlessly. We may have snatched toys from others or thrown a tantrum when things did not go our way. As we grow up, anger can lead us to make poor decisions. “What were you thinking?” people may question us afterward. But the truth is, at the time, we were likely not thinking at all.


Which type of prayer focuses on God’s presence and message, in quiet or sometimes with music?

Christian meditation


What guidelines, based on the Church’s social teachings, tell us how to interact with one another and all God’s creation?

The catholic social justice principies


What are some faith traditions, and why are they important to me?

The word tradition comes from a Latin word meaning “to hand on.” Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He promised the Apostles, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth…” (John 16:13). Inspired by Jesus’ actions and words, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles passed on what they knew about Jesus to members of the early Church.


What do I receive when I give to others?

 We think about how God’s Son became human, like us.


When making a decision, why is intention as important as action?

If we really want to help others, we can use God’s gift of knowledge and understanding to come up with an option that is morally right.


When have I felt God’s grace?

God calls us to a life of holiness so that we can have eternal happiness with Him. But God knows that we are not perfect and we make mistakes


Why does everyone have a right to human dignity?

Because every human life is sacred,since we are all created in the image of god


Where do I see signs of the Holy Spirit?

God the Father, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit make up the Holy Trinity. This Trinity is three distinct and Divine Persons in one God. God the Father is our Creator. Jesus is our Saviour.


Why is charity important to holiness?

Members of the Knights of Columbus saw that many families in Canada and the United States could not afford to buy new winter coats for their growing children. To serve this need, they decided to participate in the Coats for Kids program. Members of the Knights of Columbus across North America joined together to buy large numbers of coats, which let them get a better price for each coat.


How does sin change us?

Sin separates us from God. When we turn from God’s love and His will for us, we hurt our relationship with Him. When we are far from God, we miss Him. We long for the full joy and deep love that only He can give.


What rituals and prayers during Holy Week most help me feel close to Jesus?

It ends our Holy Week celebrations and brings with it the overwhelming joy of Jesus’ resurrection and our salvation. During the days of Holy Week leading up to Easter, we reflect on Jesus’ suffering, which is called His passion. We remember Jesus’ sacrifice and His great love for us. Holy Week is a celebration of the Paschal Mystery, the salvation offered to us because of Jesus’ passion, death, resurrection, and ascension


How can we follow the example of the Good Samaritan?

By helping others,especially those who are poor and vulnerable.


What characteristics of the saints inspire me?

God is with us, and so are our faithful friends who guide and inspire us. In the Apostles’ Creed, we declare our belief in the Communion of Saints. But who belongs to the Communion of Saints?

A parish community consists of the people who regularly attend the same church building.


How does Sacred Scripture help me understand Christmas?

s Advent ends and the Christmas season begins, we celebrate Jesus’ birth. We come to understand that this story is not just about a baby who was born more than 2000 years ago. It is about a merciful God and His generous Son. It is about how much God loves us and how far He would go to save us.


How have I been a witness of God’s love to others?

Every person is made in the image of God and deserves to be treated with dignity and love. As well as loving others, our responsibilities as a Church include sharing the Good News of Jesus. We respect differences and are open to learning from one another.


How do Easter rituals help to strengthen my faith?

Easter celebrates Jesus’ resurrection. Forty days after Easter, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. This is when Jesus left Earth to be with the Father in Heaven. Fifty days after Easter, we celebrate Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples.


How do we live out the principle of solidarity?

By sharing our blessing with those who are poor and vulnerable,and respecting their dignity