What is the definition of Chinese Culture
The traditional cultural values that influence the psyche of the chinese people
What does polytheism mean?
Belief in or worship of more than one god.
What is Monotheism?
The belief in one god
What are the three winter holidays you could pick from?
Who is the king of the gods?
What is the goal of Taoism?
Live in harmony with the universe.
What is the goal of Shintoism?
Harmony with nature, purity, + Reverence for sacred powers
What do all three monotheism religions have in common?
One God Afterlife
Sacred Texts Jerusalem
What is Hermes the god of?
Messenger God
What are the 4 noble truths of Buddhism
cause of suffering
end of suffering
path leading to the end of suffering
What are the foundations of Hinduism?
Sacrificial rites
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
Shahada- profess of faith
Salat- prayer 5 times a day
Zakat- Alms
Sawm- Fasting
Hajj- Pilgrimage to Meca
What is the reason for Christmas?
The birth of Christ
What are the sacred animals of Hera?
Cow, lion, + peacock
What do Taoism and Confucianism have in common?
No angles
east asia
temples + shrines
What is Karma?
Action, intent, + Consequences
What are the religious texts called for each religion?
Christianity- Bible
Islam- Quran
Judaism- Torah
When is Hanukkah this year?
Who are the parents of Zeus?
Cronus and Rhea
What does Buddhism and Taoism have in common?
Women are equal to men
What do Shintoism and Hellenism have in common?
Both are polytheism and animistic
What do Judaism and Islam have in common?
No pork meat
Special diet
Prosecuted at some point
What is the history behind Ramadan?
When God spoke to Muhammad
How many affairs did Zeus have?