Moral excellence and righteousness.
They shall inherit the Earth.
The meek
Number of ways to be smart.
Bear false witness.
Jesus' birthday
December 25th / Christmas
The Theological Virtues
Love, Hope, and Faith
The Bible book containing the Beatitudes.
Official name for "picture" or "Visual" smart.
Spatial intelligence
The number of Gods we are allowed to worship according to the Bible.
City Jesus was born in.
The virtues that counteract the Seven Deadly Sins.
The Seven Contrary Virtues
The name of a person that helps others patch things up.
Letters from _____ to the Corinthians and Ephesians.
Saint Paul
The commandment that condemns "killing of the spirit".
6th Commandment (Thou shall not kill)
The man to baptize Jesus.
John the Baptist
The secular word for morals.
The place Jesus introduced the Beatitudes.
The Sermon on the Mount
The book of the Bible containing great life advice and quotes.
The eighth commandment.
Thou shall not steal.
The part of the Bible that talks about Jesus' life.
The New Testament
Societal structure influenced by morals/virtues.
The law.
The number of Beatitudes.
The founder of the Multiple Intelligence Theory.
Howard Gardener
The Bible books containing the Ten Commandments.
Exodus and Deuteronomy
The woman that washed Jesus' feet.
Mary Magdalene