Literary Texts
Scholarly Texts
Lecture Part 1
Lecture Part 2
Rhetorical Strategies

The main character in The Wide, Wide World

Who is Ellen Montgomery?


J.Z. Smith said religion is a ____ category, not a _____ category

What is an anthropological category, not theological category?


This is the primary way white people came to justify enslavement in the 19th century

What is white paternalism?


These are two (of the four) kinds of print culture

What are tracts & sermons, visual aids, hymns, and fiction?


This is the definition of rhetorical

What is using language to construct meaning and identities mediate power, produce change, and create knowledge?


Coined the term "What Did Jesus Do?"

Who is Charles Monroe Sheldon?


Paul Gutjahr said we should be towards the ____ toward the “classics” category

What is skeptical?


The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 stated that officials were _____ to arrest an alleged fugitive

What is required?


Christian Socialism believed that this is the result of the sin of greed

What is poverty and degradation?


These are two ways black women utilized rhetorical strategies in spiritual autobiographies

What are emphasizing God's power and calling, and balancing humbleness with authority?


The four sisters in Bread Givers, listed from oldest to youngest, are

(Bonus point for their last name)

Who are Bessie, Mashah, Fanai, and Sara?

Who is Smolinsky?


This group is responsible for imposing the category of "religion"

What are colonizing powers?


This is what Black Christianity says about the Book of Exodus

What is that it represents a story of real slavery, not metaphorical slavery?


This is how long Harriet Jacobs lived in the crawl space

What is seven years?


These are the three main rhetorical goals of black autobiographies

What is accurately portray the violence of enslavement and racial/gender stratification, assert personhood, and insist on black goodness?


This important event was occurring when Harriet Jacobs finally got Incidents published in 1861

What is the Civil War?


This is why Candy Brown opposed fiction as a genre

What is because it "wrongly excited the passions"?


The key concepts of the Great Awakenings

What are crisis conversion, individual relationship with God, reform, revivalism and camp meetings, and new denominations?


Daily Double

What is the tree of intemperance?


These are three rhetorical strategies of slave narratives

What are autobiography and fact, sentimentalism, and evangelicalism?


Jarena Lee was a part of this Christian denomination

What is the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)?


This is a goal of sentimental literature

What is to affirm and create an emotional and moral alliance/agreement between the reader and the text?


These are two ways that black women were prevented from the cult of true womanhood

What are...

1. Piety: the danger of white Protestantism

2. Purity: sexual assault

3. Domesticity: often required to do work outside the home

4. Submission: supposed to be desired but the stakes of that desire in enslavement 


There were this many Jewish people in the US in 1790, whereas by 1880 the number had grown to this number

What is in 1790 there were fewer than 2,000 Jewish people in US, versus by 1880 there were over 250,000?


This is an instance of masking in Harriet Jacobs's novel Incidents

What is Jacobs repeatedly stating that she tried to resist Dr. Flint, but resisting that kind of sexual assault was almost impossible and very dangerous?