What is the book of Genesis about?
It is about beginnings
What is the Book of Genesis?
the first book of the Bible.
What is the 6th and 7th day of Creation?
The 6th day of Creation is the day of humans and the 7th day of Creation is the day of rest which is blessed and made holy.
What book in the bible is about beginnings?
The Book of Genesis
What is God the source of?
All life and creation
What did God create?
the Universe
What is a covenant?
An agreement between God and his people.
What is the first day of Creation?
Day of light.
What do symbols in the Bible express?
Ideas and beliefs about God and his actions through history.
What did God create?
the Universe
What is God the source of?
all life
What is human dignity?
the value and worth of being made in God's image and likeness
What are the second and fifth day of Creation?
The second day of Creation is water. The fifth day of Creation is bird and fish.
What does the Bible not teach?
Scientific fact
Name as many attributes of God as you can.
Eternal, changeless, timeless, all-powerful, perfect, all-knowing, and ever-present
What are two things that can work together?
Religion and science
What is free will?
the freedom and ability to choose.
What is the fourth day of Creation?
Day of Moon & Stars
What does the Bible teach?
Religious truth about God and our relationship with him.
What two subjects can work together?
Religion and science
Human beings are created in God's what?
Image and likeness
What is a conscience?
The ability to know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong.
What is the third day of Creation?
Day of Vegetation
Where in the Bible does it talk about the days of Creation?
the Book of Genesis
What does science help us understand and what does religion help us understand?
Science helps us understand our universe. Religion helps us believe in a God who created all things out of his goodness.