What is the color of OT.
What are the colors?
The colors are white and gold.
What does lent mean?
Lent means spring.
How long is the season?
3 days long.
What is the Epiphany?
The Epiphany is manifestation of Christ
It is the___ season of the church.
It is the longest season of the church.
It is about 12 days long.
When does lent start?
It starts on Ash Wednesday.
When does it begins?
It begins on the evening of Holy Thursady.
Next Sunday what is the feast day that is going to be celebrated?
The Baptism of the Lord
OT happens how many times a year?
It happens twice a year.
White and gold is colors of what?
Colors of celebration.
What are we preparing for?
We are preparing for the death of Jesus.
What are the colors?
What is the Baptism of the Lord?
The Baptism of the Lord is when Jesus got baptized by John the Baptist.
We celebrate what in OT?
We celebrate the life of Jesus.
What day is the birth of Jesus?
December 25th.
What are the colors of lent?
Purple or Violet
What does red mean?
Red means the blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
What were the colors of the flowers at the mass?
White and Red.
What does green mean?
Green means life and hope.
It ends when?
It ends on the Baptism of the Lord.
It is the most____ season.
It is the most solemn season.
What are days in the season?
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday.
Where were the nails on the cross at the mass?
On the wrist.