3 parts of a Sacrament
Matter, Form, Minister
How do we know that Purgatory is real?
Mt 12:32, 1 Cor 3:15, 2 Macc. 12:43-45
List all of the Covenant Mediators
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What is a Covenant (specific answer)
exchange of person
What are the 3 different types of grace
1. Sanctifying
2. Actual
3. Sacramental
What are the 3 types of Baptism
1. Sacramental
2. Blood
3. Desire
The Road to Emmaus: also what does it teach us?
Lk 24: 13-35
What is the pattern between the covenants?
They slowly include more people
What is grace?
The free and unmerited favour of God given primarily through the Sacraments
What do we learn about God's love in the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus?
Those who follow God’s laws and live humbly and love their neighbour will be rewarded. Those who do the opposite will not enter Heaven, because God is just and will give each person their deserved reward.
Types of Sacraments: Which ones are in which category?
Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist
Healing: Penance and the Anointing of the Sick
Service: Matrimony and Holy Orders
Why must we say the Sign of the Cross carefully? Also, why the 2nd Commandment?
a. Mt 28:19
b. John 14:14
c. Philippians 2:9
d. Romans 10:13
Why is the Eucharist the culmination of all the covenants?
All Covenants and Old Testament point to Jesus Christ (central point in human history)
What is a sacrament?
An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is dispensed through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Why do we need Purgatory? Cite your answer
Rev 21:27: “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”
Purgatory cleanses us because it is very hard, almost impossible, to be completely sinless and pure. Therefore, to help our chances, we must have purgatory to help us be able to achieve such a reward.
What is Ex Opere Operato and what does it mean?
"From the work performed"
Christ performs sacrament, minister works through Him.
What is the Great Commandment?
Lk 10:27
List all of the Covenant Roles and Forms
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What is an indulgence? What are the types?
The reduction or elimination before God of the temporal punishment due to sin, the gilt of which has already been forgiven. An indulgence can be partial or plenary. Usually linked to earning time out of Purgatory. 2 types: Partial and plenary
What is the minister, matter, and form for Baptism?
- Minister: priest or deacon, anyone in emergency situation
- Matter: washable water that rolls off the head
- Form: "I baptize you [name] in the Name of the Father (pour water), the Son (pour water), and the Holy Spirit (pour water)
Sacramental Character: configures us to Christ, distinguishes us perpetually from those who do not have the sign, and disposes us to cooperate with grace. These sacraments can only be received once.
Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders
What Biblical evidence to prove that St. Peter was the first Pope?
a. Mt 16: 18-19
b. Mt 10:1-4; Mk 3:16-19; Lk 6:14-16; Acts 1:13
c. Mt 18:21; Mk 8:29
d. Acts 3:6-7
e. Acts 10:1-48
f. Acts 11:1-18
g. Jn 21:17; Lk 22:31-32
h. John 20:1-18
List all of the Covenant Signs
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What is a sacramental?
holy objects, celebrations, and acts of piety that help direct our minds and hearts toward God, enhancing our prayer and making us more receptive to his grace.
Provide 4 examples of Sacramentals.
Crucifix: physical reminder of the Passion and Death of Christ. Meditating upon the crucifix is a good way to deepen our experience of prayer.
Holy water: used to bless ourselves, reminder of waters of Baptism through which we were first joined to Chrust.
Sign of the Cross: reminder of the presence of the Blessed Trinity and a means by which we bless ourselves when beginning and ending prayers and at other times throughout the day.
Gesture of respect and awe: including prostration, genuflection, kneeling, bowing, and standing can encourage a reverent spirit necessary for prayer
Ashes: remind us of our mortality and our need to repent of our sins.