The perfect revelation of God.
The first patriarch.
The Jewish feast that celebrates God's freeing of the Israelites from slavery.
Those who lead us to the Promised Land the way Joshua led the Israelites to Canaan.
Jesus and his representatives in the Church.
The last and greatest prophet.
John the Baptist.
As a religious truth.
Isaac's two sons.
Esau and Jacob.
What God promised in his covenant with the Israelites.
That the Israelites would be his people.
Special days set aside to worship with the community at Mass are Sundays and what other days?
Holy days of obligation.
The father of the prophet who prepared the people for the Messiah's coming by calling them to repent.
What God intends that we be.
Stewards of the earth.
The woman who received a message from God that her younger son would lead the Chosen People.
What was inside the Ark of the Covenant?
the Ten Commandments.
Why God sent the judges to the Israelites.
to help lead the people and defeat their enemies.
The prophet who was arrested and beaten for pointing out people's sins.
The sign of God's covenant with Noah and the human race.
a rainbow.
What did Joseph do when his brothers came begging to him?
He forgave them.
The new commandment that Jesus gave at the Last Supper.
As I have loved you, so also should you love one another.
A judge known for his tremendous physical strength.
What God becoming man is called.
What God's guidance of the Bible's human authors is called.
God watched over Joseph just as he watches over all his people. What is this called?
God's loving Providence.
What the People promised in their covenant with God.
"All the Lord says we will do!"
How David's keen sense of justice was shown.
by his anger at the rich man who stole a poor man's lamb.
During Israel's exile in Babylon, what did Ezekiel tell the people?
That God planned to raise up a new Israel.