Jeopardy <33

Someone who dies rather than give up his or her belief in Jesus Christ



The truth that the Son of God, became man 



the day on which the Holy Spirit came upon the first disciples



a person consecrated to God who promised not to drink wine, touch anyone or anything that had died, or cut/shave his hair



God's plan for and protection of all creation



Final book in the New Testament; based on visions and dreams, deals with Christ’s second coming.



giving worship to a creature or thing instead of to God



a book of the New Testament in the form of a letter from an Apostle



A brief saying that gives wise advice



one who has personally received Jesus Christ as Savior, who trusts in the death and resurrection of Christ for forgiveness of sins, who has the Holy Spirit residing within, and whose life shows change consistent with faith in Jesus



Saul’s Conversion  

Paul did not believe in Jesus. He was told to go to Jerusalem to get the followers of Jesus and kill them. On his way there a light shone down around Paul and a voice said “Paul, Paul, Paul, why are you out to get me? Paul said who are you and the voice said “I am Jesus the one you are against.” Paul got up and could not see, his people took him to Damascus. He was blind for 3 days. On the third day a man named Ananias came and touched him and he could see. After that Paul changed his name to Saul and was a follower of Jesus.


David and Goliath

There was a man named David. He was really young when Goliath came. Goliath is the leader of the Philistine's army. So, he told them to pick one person to fight him, it he kills him the philistines will be his slaves but if I kill him, you become our slaves. So, then David went to the king and said “I will fight Goliath” but Saul reminded him that he was just a boy. David described the battle with the lion and Saul told him to go fight Goliath. Saul ordered servants to bring a suit of armor for David to try on. With the permission of Saul, David took off the armor and went to the stream to collect 5 stones. Then he pulled out his slingshot and he walked towards Goliath. David told Goliath that he was fighting for God and he will defeat him in the name of God. David reached into his pocket for a stone. As Goliath came closer, David aimed his slingshot and hit Goliath in the head and Goliath died.


Wedding at Cana

Mary and Jesus were invited to a wedding at Cana. At the wedding, they ran out of wine. Mary told the servants to do what Jesus said. When Jesus told them to go to the back and get buckets and they did. They took the buckets outside and filled them with water. Jesus turned the water to wine and they brought the wine to the head waiter.


Sermon on the Mount


Presentation in the Temple


What is lent?

Lent is 40 days long, starting on Ash Wednesday to Holy Thursday. Lent is important to Catholics because it helps us follow Christ more closely. During lent we Fast. Fasting is trying to give up something for the 40 days.


What is Easter?

Easter is a time when we remember Jesus’ Resureccion from the tomb. Easter is 50 days long. It starts on Easter Sunday and ends on Pentecost.


What is triduum?

Triduum extends from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday; Celebrates Christ's passing from Death to New Life.


Annunciation (Angel of Gabriel visiting Mary and Joseph)


Finding in the Temple

Each year Mary and Joseph, and /Jesus go to Jerusalem. One year when Jesus was in his teens, he stayed in the temple. On the way back Mary and Joseph noticed he was gone. So, they panicked and they turned back and went back to Jerusalem to find Jesus. They found him in the temple and he was there talking to the priests and higher up people. Then Jesus told Mary and joseph “Wouldn't you know I was in my father's house.” then They all went home.


The story of Thomas the Apostle

This story is about Thomas, who doubts that Jesus has risen from the dead. When Jesus comes to his disciples after He has risen, Thomas is not there. The other disciples tell Thomas about Jesus, and he does not believe them. So, the next time the disciples are in the room together, Jesus appears to them telling Thomas to put his hands into the holes in his palms, and his hands into his side. Now Thomas has seen Jesus and he believes.


patron saint of music; Converted hundreds of people through her Christian witness and strength of faith. She lived during the Roman Empire, and was born to a wealthy Roman family. She married at an early age by request of her parents and converted her husband to the Christian faith. She instructed her husband to be baptized, and afterwards he was able to see her angel. The angel then crowned her with roses and lilies.

Saint Cecilia


Patron saint of racial justice; This saint started Xavier University in New Orleans. This saint used her money to help those in need. She focused on aiding two specific groups of people: Native Americans & African Americans 

Saint Katherine Drexel


This saint was a bishop who encouraged the people of his diocese to grow in their Christian faith.  Because of persecution, he hid in a cave until Roman soldiers found and arrested him. He would not give us his faith, so he was killed. We pray to him for healing of all illnesses of the throat.

Saint Blaise


Patron saint of Ireland; At the age of 16, this saint was captured by pirates. This saint was taken from his home in Britain and sold as a slave.

Saint Patrick