Old Slavonic Religion
Early-Christian Tradition
Medieval Age
Interesting Facts
Current Situation

Currently  (in Slovak) we call the God with the name: Boh. What did the ancient Slavs call the supreme being?

a) bog

b) deus

c) theos

a) bog


Who and when made the first Christian mission to Slovakia?

a) Byzantine monks, 5th century

b) Italian priests, 6th century

c) Frankish priests, 8th century

c) Frankish priests, 8th century


The oldest seat of a bishop in Slovakia:

a) Bratislava

b) Nitra

c) Kosice

b) Nitra


Does the Slovak Republic financially support registered religious communities?

Yes, depending on the number of believers it allocates a small financial contribution each year.


How many people in Slovakia claim to belong to a religion?

About 70% (2021)


The highest god of the ancient Slavs was Perun.

He was the god of 5 areas, guess at least one:

Perun was god of 

- thunder and lightning, 

- patron of battle and war, 

- and symbol of justice.


Who and when made the first Christian mission to the territory of Slovakia in the Old Slavonic language?

a) Byzantine monks, 9th century

b) Brazilian priests, 16th century

c) Russian priests, 10th century

a) Byzantine monks, 9th century


Monks who founded monasteries in Slovakia since the 11th century:

a) Jesuits

b) Benedictines

c) Franciscans

b) Benedictines


How many members a church in Slovakia must have in order to be registered by the state?

(tolerance ten thousand)

Fifty thousand.


How many people belong to the Catholic Church? (Tolerance 5%)

Approximately 60% of the population of Slovakia.


The Old Slavs used to put coins in the mouths of their dead. What were these coins for?

The Slavs were worshippers of the cult of the dead. The dead were given coins to put in their mouths at the funeral, for the transferor to the other world, Didka.


Byzantine monks, two brothers whom we call the Apostles of the Slavs? They translated the Bible and the liturgy into the Old Slavonic language. They are also co-patrons of Europe. Initials: C and M

St. Cyril and Methodius


Did the Reformation movement (after Luther) spread in Slovakia or not?

The Reformation spread very successfully in Slovakia. In the middle of the 16th century there were already 900 reformed church congregations in Slovakia.


At what age do people in Slovakia usually get baptized? (tolerance 3 years)

Within the first year of life.


How many Catholic universities are there in Slovakia?

Only one.


Slavs welcomed spring by carrying a straw puppet (symbol of winter) around the village. What happened to the puppet in the end? Guess at least one thing.

People set it on fire and threw it into the water (river).


In which year did the Byzantine Christian mission in Slovakia begin?

a) 893

b) 863

c) 850


b) 863


Which pope came from Slovakia in the Middle Ages?

None. There is no Pope from Slovakia.


Where are there more religious people in Slovakia, in the West or in the East?

Definitely in the East of Slovakia.


How many people in Slovakia adhere to Islam? (tolerance 5 thousand)

Four thousand.


The Old Slavs discussed important matters in the so-called community assembly. Decisions had to be taken by consensus of all members. Who could vote in this assembly? (children, women, men, old people?)

In this assembly, both men and women made decisions without discrimination.


From which important Greek city did the brothers - apostles of the Slavs come to Slovakia in 9th century?

Thessaloniki (Solun)


Universitas Istropolitana was founded in Slovakia in the Middle Ages. In which year was it?

a) 1545

b) 1289

c) 1465

c) 1465

Unfortunately, it ended in 1490.


How did churches and religions in Slovakia behave during the communist dictatorship (1948-1989)?

The vast majority of churches and religious people were under oppression. Churches formed oases of freedom and resistance.


How many people in Slovakia are considered to be without religion? (Tolerance 5%)

Approximately 25%