1) one of the four Gospel writers who wrote with the purpose of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world
2) the heart of Scriptures and proclaim the Good News of salvation, primary source of knowledge of the life of Jesus Christ
1) Evangelists
2) Gospel
The Christian belief that God assumed a human nature in the Person of Jesus Christ (the Word became flesh)
Hebrew word for “Anointed One”; refers to the one God promised to send to His people to free them from sin
A permanent, unremovable spiritual seal placed on our souls by God in the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, and upon those who receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders, that set us apart as belonging to God
Indelible Mark
When is baptism foreshadowed in the Old Testament?
God created water/the creation story
When Moses split the Red Sea or the crossing of the Red Sea
When God flooded the Earth
When they crossed the River Jordan into the promise land
Moses hit a rock and water flew out/Moses provided water from a rock
Moses floated down the Nile
When God turned the water into blood
1) the gospels of Matthew, mark, and Luke present the story of Christ’s life in a similar way
2) people of non-Jewish ethnicity
1) synoptic
2) Gentiles
Why did God become human?
To reconcile us with God
That we can know God’s love
To be our model of holiness
So we can partake in his divine nature
What three things did God promise to Abraham in his covenant?
God said he would make him a great nation and a promise land (fulfilled through Moses)
God promised Abraham to make his name great and a line of kings would descend from him (fulfilled through David)
God said that all the earth would be blessed by his descendants (fulfilled through Jesus)
What are the Seven Sacraments?
Holy Orders
Anointing of the sick
What are the effects of baptism
Forgives sin
Makes you a new creation
Makes you a member of the church
Imprints an indelible mark on you
Forges bonds of Christian unity
Who is this?
Symbol: man
Audience: Jewish Christan's
Notable: includes many of Jesus’ parables
Jesus’ I AM Statements
I AM the bread of life/ the living bread
I AM the light of the World
I AM the gate
I AM the good shepherd
I AM the Resurrection and the Life
I AM the Way, and the truth, the life
I AM the true vine
efficacious sign of God’s grace
Sacraments of Initiation
Confirmation, Baptism, Communion
What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Wisdom: Helps us respond to God as we contemplate divine things
Understanding: Helps us grasp revealed truths more easily
Knowledge: Awareness of God’s plan for our lives
Counsel: Helps us judge quickly and correctly
Fortitude: A steady will to do good
Piety: Loyalty to God and divine things
Fear of the Lord: Deep respect for God that helps us avoid sin
Who is this
Symbol: Eagle
Audience: Jewish Christan's
Notable: focuses on Jesus’ divinity (Jesus is 100% human and 100% divine)
Example's of Jesus' Miracles
Miracles of Healing: He gives sight to the blind and cures leprosy
Miracles of the Supernatural: He casts out demons
Miracles of Nature: He calms the sea and walks on water
Miracles of Supply: He multiplies loaves of bread and turns water to wine
the free and undeserved gift of God’s life within us
What are the symbols of baptism?
Sign of the cross: signifies the grace of redemption won for us by Christ
Holy water: represents the person’s entry into the Trinity, washing of original sin
Holy oil or sacred Chrism: incorporates the person into Christ to share in His role of priest, prophet, and king
White garment: signifies that he has been washed clean from the stain of sin
Candle: symbolized that Christ has enlightened his life
What are the effects of Confirmation
You’re united more closely with the church
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are strengthened
You are given a mission to spread and protect the faith
Baptismal grace is strengthened
Who is this?
Symbol: Ox
Audience: Gentile Christan's
Notable: suggests that Luke received information from the Virgin Mary
a sacred permanent bond of family relationship
the calling or destiny of people to holiness and to a particular state in life, such as marriage or ordained priesthood
Symbol: Lion
Audience: Jewish Christian
Notable: shortest Gospel
How is confirmation foreshadowed in the Bible?
The Holy Spirit anoints David to become King
The Holy Spirit comes down on the Apostles during Pentecost
Spirit of God given to Adam