What is Transubstantiation?
Is the change of the substance of bread and wine into that of the body and blood of Christ
Occurs in the Eucharist
What is Amen?
This is a Hebrew word “Yes, I agree. I commit myself.”
What are the Church Tabernacles?
A small cupboard, chest or cabinet in which the consecrated host are kept
What is Alleluia?
This Hebrew word means “May God be praised and thanked.”
What is the Consecrated Eucharist?
The bread and wine transform into the real presence of Jesus
What is Creed?
From the Latin verb credo that means “I believe.”
The Creed is the prayer that expresses our faith as Christians
What is a homily?
The priest speaks about the readings and how they apply to our lives today
What is Catholic?
In Greek, this word means “universal.”
The Church is open to all people in the world
What is a Priest?
An ordained minister of the Catholic Church
Only priests can consecrate the Eucharist
What is Church/church?
The Big C church refers to the whole Christian community throughout the world.
The little c church is the physical building, where we go to worship God