leader of a parish
Sacrament in which we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit
when Mary was taken up into heaven
Feast of the Assumption
after his Resurrection Jesus returned to his father in heaven
The Ascension
sacrament in which we are forgiven our sins
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
a season when we prepare for Easter
when the season of Lent begins
Ash Wednesday
How many sacraments do we celebrate?
Jesus feeds us with his Body and Blood
Sacrament of the Eucharist
part of the mass which includes Holy Communion and the words of Consecration
Liturgy of the Eucharist
He was a poor man who lived in Guadalupe, Mexico. Our Lady Guadalupe (Mary) appeared to him.
Saint Juan Diego
What are the Sacraments of Christian Initiation?
Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation
another name for the Pope
Vicar of Christ
feast which marks the birth of the Church
special signs given to us by Jesus by which we share in God's life and love
prayer we say at Mass
The Apostles Creed
we celebrate Jesus' Resurrection
ordained ministers who celebrate Mass
the head of the whole Catholic Church
Pope Francis
This prayer says we believe in what...
The Holy Spirit, The Communion of Saints, and the forgiveness of sins