Who did Isaiah foretell as the Suffering Servant?
(The Messiah)
What are the three Sacraments of Initiation?
(Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist)
What set of laws did God give Moses on Mount Sinai?
(The Ten Commandments)
What prayer summarizes Jesus’ message of trust in and love for the Father?
(The Lord’s Prayer)
What do we call our responsibility to care for what God has given us?
What do we call God making Himself known to us through His words and deeds?
(Divine Revelation)
Which sacrament forgives sins and restores our relationship with God and the Church?
(Penance and Reconciliation)
What does the First Commandment tell us to do?
(Love and honor God above all else)
What are the Psalms?
(A collection of sacred songs and prayers in the Old Testament)
Name two Corporal Works of Mercy.
(Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, visit the imprisoned, etc.)
What is a sacred agreement between God and His people?
What special guidance did the Holy Spirit give the human writers of the Bible?
(Divine Inspiration)
What does the Third Commandment require?
(Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation)
What is the official public prayer of the Church that includes Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours?
How are humans different from all other creatures?
(We have free will, a conscience, and a soul)
Who are the Old Testament patriarchs?
(Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph)
What symbolizes God’s permanent presence among His Chosen People?
(The Temple in Jerusalem)
What do the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, and the Great Commandment provide for Christians?
(The moral foundation of Christian life)
DAILY DOUBLE: What is the liturgical season of prayer, fasting, and penance before Easter?
What do the sacraments help us do in our daily lives?
(Follow Christ’s teachings and grow in faith)
What event in the New Testament parallels Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac?
(God offering His Son, Jesus, for our salvation)
What sacrament begins a covenant relationship with each Christian?
What Catholic Social Teaching reminds us to protect people’s rights?
(Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person)
What do we celebrate on Pentecost?
(The coming of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the Church)
What does Jesus’ gift of His Body and Blood in the Eucharist foreshadow in the Old Testament?
(Manna given to the Israelites in the desert)