Vocab Unit 1
Vocab Unit 2
Religion 2
Religion 3

A gift from God that helps us believe in him.



The Mystery of the existence of God in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



What is the Church?

The Church is the community of believers who follow Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit. It is both visible (as the people of God) and spiritual (as the Mystical Body of Christ).


Why is Mary called the Mother of the Church?

  1. Mary is called the Mother of the Church because she is the mother of Jesus (the head of the Church) and because she cares for and intercedes for all believers, the members of the Church.


What can the Church be described as ?

The people and the building


The son of God who was born of the Virgin Mary and died for our sins.



The unity of all, dead or living, who have been saved in Jesus Christ.

Communion of Saints


Why is the Church called a mystery?

The Church is a mystery because it is both a human institution and a divine reality. It cannot be fully understood by human reason alone, but we believe in it through faith.

  1. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church?

  1. The Holy Spirit sanctifies, guides, and strengthens the Church. The Spirit helps us understand God’s will and live out our faith.


How can the Church be a mystery?

The church can be a Mystery in many ways because nothing is certain. Also the Mystery of Faith in the church is a mystery. We put our Faith in God and believe what is said in the bible. The church is a mystery of experience not to be solved.


The people of God throughout the the whole worlds,or diocese(the local Church) or assembly of those called together to worship God.



The members of the Church formed into a spiritual  body and bound together by the life communicated by Jesus Christ through the sacraments.

Mystical Body of Christ


What are the scriptural images of the Church?

  1. The Body of Christ: The Church is like a body, with Christ as the head and all believers as its members.

  2. The Bride of Christ: The Church is like a bride, loved by Christ.

  3. The Temple of the Holy Spirit: The Church is where the Holy Spirit dwells.

  1. Key Concepts?

  1. The Church is guided by the Holy Spirit.

  2. We are called to be Christ’s presence in the world.

  3. Mary plays a special role in the Church as its mother and intercessor.


What does the word mystery mean in the Church?

In the Bible, we encounter a very different understanding of the word mystery. It does not mean to be solved but rather, something to be experienced or entered into.

A mystery is something that we know but not fully understand; it can be described as something that is both revealed and hidden at the same time. 


A person who accepts Jesus’ message and tries to live as he did, sharing his mission, his sufferings and his joys.



To make holy


  1. What is our responsibility as members of the Church?

We are responsible for making Christ and His Church present in the world by living out our faith through our actions, words, and love for others.


What is the Church meant for?

Churches are designed places of worship where people come together in faith and pray together.


What are the Scriptural images of the Church?

  • The Body of Christ (St. Paul)

  • The Bride of Christ (Ibid)

  • The Sheepfold (Jesus)

  • The Leaven (Ibid) 


The gift of God, given to us without us meriting it.



Name for the Church, the people on a journey to the Father.

Pilgrim People


What are 3 images of the Church?

  1. Pilgrim People: The Church is a people on a journey toward God and eternal life.

  2. Salt of the Earth: The Church, like salt, preserves goodness and brings flavor (meaning) to the world.

  3. Light of the World: The Church, like light, shines the truth of Christ to all people, guiding them toward God.


What are some styles of the Church?

  • Early Christian, Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Neolastic etc.


What does qodosh mean.

To sanctify or make holy.