what is the angels name that came to Mary
Angle Gabriel
how long is Easter
50 days
how many days and what are the days
what does lent mean
what was next to the tabernacle
the baptism of the Lord
when does the Easter season end
what day was jesus put in the tomb
holy saturday
what do we do during lent
does the epiphany end the Christmas season
when is the epiphany
12 days after christmas or january 6th
day holy spirit came down on the apostles and gave them courage to spread the word
what is the color for it and why
red for blood
how long is lent ( 2 answers)
40/46 days
what color was the priest wearing
what are the colors for Christmas
White and gold
true or false its the greatest season of the church
what day did Jesus die and at what time
good friday 3:00
how many weeks is lent
6 weeks
who said the mass
Father Sean
who is marys cousin pregnant with
John the baptist
what are the colors
white and gold
the night of holy thursday
when does it begin
Ash Wednesday
who did the readings in 8th grade
anton and vivianna