How many weeks is Advent?
Four weeks
What does the color of the wreath represent?
Jesus's Life
Most common symbol
Stands for sacrifice and atonement
The Lamb
Most important symbol
Represents purity and innocence
Who is Santa actually?
St. Nicholas
What does advent mean?
What does the texture of the wreath represent?
Crown of Thorns
First and last letters of the Greek alphabet
God is infinite and eternal
I am the beginning and the end
What do we give on Christmas Day?
What are the colors for advent?
Violet and Rose
What does the shape of the wreath represent?
Sacred Heart
God's eternal love for us
Crossed Keys
The keys of heaven that Jesus gave to Peter who was the first pope
When is Christmas?
December 28
What are the colors for each candle in order?
Purple Purple Pink Purple White
What does the red berries on the wreath represent?
Jesus's blood
The first two letters XP of Christ's name in Greek
The fish
What cookies do we eat on this day?
Gingerbread men
Preparing Penance Royalty
What does the white candle mean?
Jesus is the light of the world
Holy Spirit- John the Baptist
What does The Fish relate to?
Several scriptures
What are the colors for Christmas?
Gold and White