The worth each person has because he or she is made in the likeness of God.
Human Dignity
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
The Holy Trinity
Name the Saint who was first forced to and then later chose to sleep in a cupboard under the stairs.
Saint Germaine Cousin
What is God's greatest gift to us?
His Son Jesus
"God sent his only son into the world so that we might have life through him"
What is a failure to love?
The spiritual part of a human that lives on forever.
The Soul
Living in the Right Relationship with God.
Name the Saint who worked in a factory when she was young to help support her family and then as a religious sister worked for cleaniness and patient rights in hospitals.
To live in the communal life, what are people asked to do with their property and possessions?
They are asked to "sell them and divide them among all according to each one's need."
What is the role of the Holy Spirit?
To bring people into the love of the Holy Trinity
a deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to the law of God - it hurts your relationship with God.
For the good of everyone
The Common Good
Name the saint who founded the religious order called the Order of Preachers also called Dominicans.
Saint Dominic
It is said that "a shoot shall sprout from the stem of ______"
And who are they talking about?
The stem of Jesse and they were prophesizing about Jesus.
What are 3 ways we can work for the common good?
Respect the Human Dignity of each person
Make sure that people can get the things that are necessary for life
Provide peace, security, and order
Serious sin that breaks your relationship with God
Mortal Sin
God-given freedom to make our own choices.
Free Will
Name the saint who, along with 21 other people, was tortured and killed for his faith and are sometimes called the African Martyrs.
St. Charles Lwanga
What does the Parable of the Good Samaritan teach us?
To take care of others.
What are 4 ways you can form your conscience?
Through the Holy Spirit, Prayer and Study, Scripture, and Church teachings, through your parents, teachers, and wise people
Venial Sin
God's free and loving gift to all humans
Who are the 2 Catholic Saints for the 4th grade classroom?
St. Bernadette and St. John Vianney
How did God create us?
We are created in his image.
What are the 4 steps for making a good decision?
Stop, Think, Pray, Choose.