This person says the homily, which explains the meaning of the Gospel reading.
Priest or Deacon
When is the first day of Lent?
Ash Wednesday
This is a special prayer for Jesus's mother
Hail Mary
God gave the Ten Commandments to this person
The season of the church year during which Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus
This saint was known for his generosity. His feast day is in December during Advent.
Saint Nicholas
What is the color of the season of lent?
Another name for the Lord's Prayer
Our Father
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in ___________
A sacrament that celebrates Jesus's compassion for all human beings and his healing and saving work through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Anointing of the Sick
A flood destroyed everyone in the world but this man and his family and pairs of all living creatures.
The Sunday before Easter is called ________
Palm Sunday
The prayer of this Saint says
Christ with me, Christ before me:
Christ behind me, Christ in me;
Christ beneath me, Christ above me
Saint Patrick
The fourth commandment says honor your ________ and _______________
father and mother
Someone who responds to Jesus's call to follow and who helps spread his message through loving service of others
This married couple did not think they could ever have children but did have a baby when they were old.
Abraham and Sarah
How many days in lent?
This prayer is said during lent, retracing Jesus's path to the cross.
The Stations of the Cross
This commandment tells us to respect all human life, from conception to death.
The Fifth Commandment
An action that SERIOUSLY goes against God's will and separates a person from God.
Mortal Sin
This is a mother/son saint pair
Saint Monica, Saint Augustine
What are the three practices during lent?
Prayer, fasting, almsgiving
This prayer begins "I believe in God the Father, almighty. We profess our faith through this prayer
The place that the Ten Commandments were revealed.
Mount Sinai
An agreement between two human beings or between God and humans. A promise