Supreme Court Cases
The Lemon Test
Separation of Church and State

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"

What is this called?

The Establishment Clause


Football coach praying on the field. Which case was this?

The Joe Kennedy case


What is the purpose of the lemon test?

To tell if a government program violates the Establishment Clause

What part of the constitution does the phrase "separation of church and state" often refer to?

Establishment clause


What was made to give us "ordered liberty" and "the blessings of liberty" are secured through it?

The Constitution


What was Lemon v. Kurtzman?

(hint: teachers and private schools)

Wheather teachers should receive federal funding even if they are teaching at public schools.


What is the first checkbox of the Lemon Test?

Secular Purpose


Where is this phrase found in the constitution?

It's not. It's from a letter by Thomas Jefferson out of context.


"Congress shall make no law... of religion... prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

What is this called?

The Free Exercise Clause


What was Zelman v. Simmons Harris?

(hint: students and private schools)

The use of school vouchers for students to fund private schools, including religious schools.


What case did the Lemon Test come from?

Lemon v. Kurtzman


True or False: Supreme court justices refer to this phrase when talking about the establishment clause.



Two other rights (other than the establishment clause or free exercise clause) that are given in the first amendment.

-Freedom of speech

-Freedom of the press

-The right to peaceably assemble

-The right to petition the government for a redress of grievances


What was Abington School District v. Schempp?

(hint: prayer)

Are teachers allowed to lead students in prayer during class if it's optional for the students.


What is the second part of the Lemon Test?

Neither advance nor inhibit religion


Was the first amendment created to provide more of a 'wall of protection' or a 'wall of separation' between church and state

'wall of protection'


What amendment (other than the first) promoted religious freedom?

14th Amendment. It said states had to abide by federal laws, so if the first amendment said you must allow freedom of religion, now the states also had to abide by it.


What was the Bladensburg Cross case?

A court case where it was debated if it was offensive or not to leave a cross headstone on public property dedicated to 49 men who died in WWII. (This case was only referred to in one of our videos we watched at the beginning)


What is the last part of the Lemon Test?

No government entanglement


Where does the phrase "separation of church and state" come from?

A letter written by Thomas Jefferson. (This phrase was taken out of context)