How does Marine Corps Order 1730.6F define the role and duties of Navy chaplains within the Marine Corps?
The chaplain is responsible for assessing command religious ministry requirements, developing the Command Religious Program, and managing all RM within the command.
Who is authorized to supervise the CRP?
Navy chaplains
What do the RMTs prepare to carry specific religious ministry equipment in operational environments?
Mount-Out Box
Which core competency utilizes CREDO to enhance relationships between Marines, Sailors, and their families of a command?
What two skills must RP's be proficient in to be effective within FMF commands?
MCMAP and weapons familiarization.
What program does the Chaplain of the Marine Corps oversee for the CMC?
Spiritual Fitness
What do you call the contract that the Contract Religious Service Provider or civilian clergy use to perform services?
Performance Work Statement (PWS)
What consists of the Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF)?
What members other than the chaplain and the RP, consist of the make-up of an RMT?
Marine chaplain assistants, civilian contract staff, appointed lay leaders, and volunteers.
What are the roles of the RP in the command?
The primary enlisted assistant to manage and execute the CRP.
What MCO gives guidance to chaplains retaining direct access to the commander?
MCO 1730.6F
How many days must a chaplain be on board to rate administrative support?
30 days
Which S shop is critical for RP's to coordinate movement within the battlespace?
What should RMTs utilize to fulfill RM tasks in an operational setting?
The four core competencies.
What primary or secondary military occupational specialty must a Chaplain Assistant (CA) have to serve in the CRP?
0111 or Administrative Clerk
What is the role of a supervisory chaplain at the command element level?
To coordinate RM coverage for all RMT's.
Explain the term "Match the Goals with the Funds"?
Translate the planned programs into dollar amounts.
What ministry priority is "immediate" due to the high chance of survival, if medical measures are accomplished quickly?
Ministry Priority IV
What is an extender in the term OSCAR?
To offer professional support within their respective scope of practice. i.e. religious concerns
What is the role of an RP within a convoy vehicle?
Tactical defensive combatant, knowing their sector of fire.
What problem may the commander run into if they allow the chaplain to deliver RM to a detained enemy prisoner of war (EPW)?
EPWs are awarded the same confidentially as authorized users under the DON policy.
Who is ultimately responsible for maintaining the CRP that supports the Free Exercise of Religion?
Who do the embarked MEU RMT fall under for coordination of RM to the ARG?
The ARG or Group Chaplain onboard.
What database do RMTs use to track all religious backgrounds within the command?
Religious Needs Assessment
What core competency do RP's typically fall under?