Who is Mr. Osborn?
Things I learned last year from Friendzy lessons - Part 1
Things I learned last year from Friendzy lessons - Part 2
Things I learned last year from Friendzy lessons - Part 3
Things I learned last year from Friendzy lessons - Part 4

Mr. Osborn's favorite ice cream flavor is: (a) Rocky Road, (b) Vanilla, (c) Mint Chocolate Chip, (d) Peanut Butter.



Just like three strands of rope tied together are better than two at holding things up, so are WE better ____!

Just like three strands of rope tied together are better than two at holding things up, so are WE better TOGETHER!


True or False: God still loves me, even when I mess up?

TRUE!  Absolutely!  But that doesn't mean we should still keep sinning.  While He does forgive when we ask Him to, He also wants us to learn from our mistakes and become better people, so we can share His love with other people!


Fear is not real.  It is a bad feeling we get when we believe that something ___ is going to happen.  Is it: (a) positive, (b) boring, (c) magnificent, (d) bad?

What is... (d) bad!  A lot of times, we are afraid of something that may or may not actually come true!  Believing such bad thoughts can then keep us from doing something important or helpful to someone (like standing up to a bully). 


God doesn't want us to look at others around us and wish we could be exactly like them.  Rather, he wants us to cherish and love who He made us to be!  If we love who WE are, then we will most definitely celebrate the strength and abilities of _____.

What is... OTHERS!  When someone else does something well, for example, we should congratulate them, not complain that we didn't win.


Mr. Osborn loves to do all the following except: (a) play guitar, (b) spend time with his family, (c) help students at school, (d) swim with alligators!  

(d) SWIM WITH ALLIGATORS... don't get me wrong.  They're nice animals 'n all... just not good swim partners.


The Bible says we are called to "sharpen" each other, or make each other stronger.  All of these are good ways to strengthen each other, EXCEPT: (a) say something nice to someone when they do something well, (b) if you're upset with someone, tell them how you feel in a nice way, (c) offer to help someone who is struggling with something, (d) put someone down when they get something wrong.

What is... (d) put someone down when they get something wrong?  Making fun of someone will NOT make them stronger!  Also, how would YOU feel if someone did that to YOU?


All of us are an important part of ____ story to help save the world.  Is it: (a) God's, (b) Moana's, (c) George Washington's, (d) Mickey Mouse's?

What is... (a) God's story!  It's amazing, when you think about it, that God has a plan just for you, and, as long as we belong to Him, He will use us to help bring people to Him!


In the Bible, God tells Joshua what He tells us today: "Do not be afraid, for ___ will be with you wherever you go!"

What is... "the Lord your God"?  Joshua had to lead God's people into the Promised Land, which happened to have giants in it!  God was telling Joshua to trust that God was on His side.


Gossiping is all of the following, EXCEPT: (a) talking about someone when they are NOT there, (b) hurtful to others and is actually a sin, (c) sometimes true and sometimes a lie, (d) a good way to help a situation or person (for example, if Rupert broke a window at school, you should tell all your classmates).

What is... (d) a good way to help a situation or a person?  Instead of telling your classmates, what's a better thing to do?


A counselor can help me with all of the following EXCEPT: (a) how to knit a blanket, (b) ways to relax, (c) how to control my anger, (d) problems with my friends and homework.

(a) HOW TO KNIT A BLANKET!  Sorry, I don't know how to do that!


True or False: You only fail at something if you stop trying and give up.

TRUE!  Everyone makes mistakes, and that's okay!  Making mistakes is how we ____!


Looking at the following sentences, which one shows signs of REACTING, and which one shows signs of RESPONDING?  Sally has her arms open, is talking calmly, and has a kind face.  She is ____.  Meanwhile, Billy's arms are folded, he is yelling, and he is staring angrily.  He most definitely is ___. 

Sally has her arms open, is talking calmly, and has a kind face.  She is RESPONDING.  Meanwhile, Billy's arms are folded, he is yelling, and he is staring angrily.  He most definitely is REACTING.  Way to remember!


All of the following are examples of being brave, EXCEPT: (a) getting up and talking in front of the class, (b) helping a friend who is getting picked on, (c) talking about someone behind their back, (d) inviting a shy kid to play with you at recess.

What is... (c) talking about someone behind their back?  Why is that not brave?


All of the following are examples of gossip, EXCEPT: (a) I heard Rita has head lice... eww!, (b) Hey, did you know that Marty got a bad grade in Reading?, (c) Jill must have no friends... just look at her, (d) Hey, Timmy... have you noticed that Charmaine seems down lately... we should go talk to her.

What is... (d) Hey, Timmy... have you noticed that Charmaine seems down lately... we should go talk to her?  Why is this NOT considered spreading gossip?


If I want to go talk to Mr. Osborn, I can do all of the following EXCEPT: (a) ask my teacher, (b) run out of P.E. without telling anyone, (c) fill out one of those slips of paper in the box outside his office, (d) ask my parent.

(b) RUN OUT OF P.E. WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE!  (It's a safety thing.)


All of these sayings show a "Can Do" attitude, EXCEPT: (a) I messed up, but I can try again, (b) I'm not the best on the team, but I will keep practicing, (c) I'm not good... YET!, (d) I give up... what's the point?

What is... (d) I give up?  No one is great at something right away - practice, practice, practice!


All of the following are examples of RESPONDING, EXCEPT: (a) A friend yells at you, so you count to 10 BEFORE saying something, (b) Your friends don’t want to play the game you want to play, so you ask, “Can we play my game tomorrow?”, (c) Some classmates SEEM to be laughing at you (even though you're not sure), so you yell at them, (d) Your parents won't let you go get ice cream until your room is clean, so you do it right away.

What is... (c) Yell at your friends?  Sometimes, you can't be sure what someone is thinking or doing, so it's best to stay calm, wait, and then find out, if you can.


True or False: Being brave means having no fear at all.

What is... FALSE!  In fact, being really brave means having fear, but still doing what needs to be done!  That is true courage!


God asks us, in the Bible, to help carry each other's burdens, or support each other, in life.  All of the following are ways to support each other, EXCEPT: (a) try to understand what someone is going through by talking with them, (b) try to relate to them (for example, if someone is afraid of something, think about what you are afraid of), (c) figure out a way to help them with their problem, (d) tell them not to worry and just ignore their problem.

What is... (d) tell them not to worry and just ignore their problem?  Why is this an example of NOT supporting that person?


When I talk to Mr. Osborn in private, he HAS to tell someone if: (a) I am in danger or someone else is in danger, (b) I broke a school rule and it needs to be told to the Principal or Vice Principal, (c) I ask him to share it with someone else, (d) all of the above.

(d) ALL OF THE ABOVE! I want to make sure you are safe, so, if you plan on hurting yourself or someone else, or someone else is hurting you, I have to tell someone... it's the law :)


In the Bible, God tells us: We can do all this through _____, who strengthens us!  Is it: (a) our own power, (b) money, (c), Christ, (d) my cute smile!

What is... (c) Christ!  Absolutely!  While we may not succeed at everything we do, we know that He is with us always and will help us to do our best!  Christ is ALWAYS our strength!


Ramona got angry with her brother for knocking over the tower she made from blocks.  All of these are good ways for her to keep calm, EXCEPT: (a) tell her Mom, (b) take several deep breaths, (c) throw her toys across the room, (d) go for a walk.

What is... (c) throw her toys!  While her feelings are perfectly normal, Ramona may not know WHY her brother did that.  For example, it may have been an accident, or maybe he was mad because she kept ignoring him.  (It doesn't excuse what he did, but at least she can find better ways to respond that DON'T involve breaking something.)


True or False: God created us to all be the same and have the exact same strengths and gifts.

What is... FALSE!  The Bible says that, just like the human body has many parts that are different, so are we, as the Body of _____, meant to be different and work together.


Your brother or sister comes home from school upset and starts yelling and throwing things.  All of the following are good ways to help, EXCEPT: (a) walk away and count to 10, to calm yourself, (b) when they've stopped yelling, ask them if they want to talk about what's bothering them, (c) tell a parent, (d) yell back and storm out the room. 

What is... (d) yell back and storm out the room?  If you're brother is sister is that upset, then something is really bothering them (and it may not even be you).  To help "carry their burden", try listening to them and see where they are coming from.