What was the original name of The Remnant Church?
Centro de Adoracion y Restauracion Ebenezer C.A.R.E
How old did Pablito turn?
24 years old
Name all active nets.
Adonai, El Roi, Jireh, Sabaoth
Who is Cuban/Salvadorian?
Who got married October 2018?
Jay and Jisandra
What year was the church founded?
How many siblings does Apostle have?
What Net has the most disciples?
Who is 16 years older than his/her youngest sibling?
Who loves onion?
Pastor Hazel
How many years were we in Hackensack and how many have we been in Saddle Brook?
Saddle Brook: 7 years
How old was Apostle when the church was founded?
26 years old
Who has been net leader/s the longest?
What was SDR's first name?
Who met their spouse working at a restaurant?
Kelvin and Emily
What was the first address of the church?
192 High Street Hackensack NJ
What is Apostle's full name?
Catlina Sandara Araujo Pardo
What year was the first net formed?
Who has a twin brother?
Who is dyslexic and double jointed?
Who was the first guest speaker in our Saddle Brook Temple?
Bishop Swiley
In what year did Apostle arrive to the United States?
Who were the leaders of Net Abba?
Pastores Zaragoza
What are the names and ages of Marleny's kids?
Betssy: 23
Abby: 20
Arlene: 16
Omar/Nathan: 15
Who came to the United States in July 2013?
Edgar Sanchez