Professionalism / work ethic
Professional dress

Which job involves flying planes to various destinations.

What is a pilot?


If you work with children, ages 2 to 3 years old. What is your job title?

Day care provider

Pre-school, toddler teacher


Can you go to work if you have the flu?

What is no you should stay home.


What is the purpose of repeating back directions?

What is to clarify directions or make sure you understand the directions clearly


What kind of dress is this considered.. Professional attire or business casual

What is professional dresss


Which type of job involves making cakes?

What is a baker


What is the name of this job?



What can you do to prevent the spread of germs in order to keep yourself from getting sick and missing work?

1. Wash you hands, often.

2. Wear a mask

3. Don't share drinks or food with people

4. Stay healthy, eat well

5. Get plenty of sleep


Repeat back this direction that Ms. Belmonte give to you.

You did it!!!


Name two things wrong with this dress for a business casual attire is required? 

What is:

Female- dress is too short

Male- ripped jeans

         White t-shirt


Who is a person who cooks food in a restaurant?

What is a chef.


What is the name of a job for someone who cleans buildings?

What is a custodian.


In order to be professional, what should you do ahead of time in order to have a back up plan for transportation to work?

1. learn the public bus system

2. Ask a co-worker if you can count on them for a ride if you need it.  

3. Find a family member or friend that is free during the times you work and ask that they help in the future if you need it. 


Which one of these topics should not be discussed when having a conversation at work?

1. The weather

2. Politics

3. Pets

4. Hobbies

What is Politics.


Which item the only item of clothing that is appropriate to wear to the Project Growth worksites?

1. ripped jeans

2. tank top

3. Shirt with sayings

4. Khaki pants

What is Khaki pants


What job involves designing a building?

What is an architect.


When a waitstaff tells his or her customers the specials, what is the significance of the specials?

What are specials on a menu?

What is special meals, appetizers or drinks that are not typically on the menu, but are made just for that particular night


When transportation is an issue for work, what should you do?

1. Ask a friend or family member for a ride

2. Take public transportation

3. Take a taxi or uber

4. Carpool


Pick a student from the class and role play a professional conversation with the student...  You must use a topic other than "what did you do over the weekend or What did you do the night before"  Good luck

You did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When working in a kitchen (dietary aide or cafeteria worker) or at a restaurant, which of the four items is not necessary?

1. Apron

2. Hat or hair net

3. Shoes / sneakers with slip resistant soles

4. black pants

What is black pants


Why do people work?

What is to make money

Which one of these is a soft skill?

1. Writing

2. Reading

3. Repeating back directions

What is repeating back directions.


You are running late to work because your car will not start.... What two things you should do?

1. Call you supervisor and tell him/her that you will be late

2. Find another ride


When calling in sick to employer, name the fours steps necessary to use?

1. Ask for the manager or supervisor who handles sick calls.

2. Say your first and last name

3. Say why you are calling, "I will be out today, I am sick"

4. Say goodbye and thank you


Please give me a Project Growth worksite and tell me the dress code for that worksite?

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