
True or False: Renaissance means Redeveloped

False: Rebirth


True or False: Indulgences are pardons from punishments for committing sinful acts, allowing the sinner to enter Heaven.



Europe was unified under the Catholic Church until which of the following developments occurred?

A. Bubonic Plague

B. Counter-Reformation

C. Protestant Reformation

D. Humanist Movement



C. Protestant Reformation


Which of the following was a main reason for European colonization of the Western Hemisphere in the 16th century?

A. Cultural interaction

B. Economic opportunity

C. Political independence

D. Population explosion

B. Economic opportunity


What kind of religion did the Aztec and Inca have in common?

  1. Catholic
  2. Atheistic
  3. Polytheistic
  4. Monotheistic

C. Polytheistic


The Hundred Years War was fought between what two countries?

A. England and France

B. France and Vikings

C. Kings and Popes

D. England and Italy

A. England and France


A disease carried on ships from Asia to Europe that killed millions of people and helped to serfdom in Europe

Black Death


Which of the following Protestant leaders chose to break with the Church of Rome because the Pope would not grant him a dispensation for divorce?

 A. Henry VIII

B. Martin Luther

C. John Calvin

D. Huldrych Zwingl


A. Henry VIII


Shortly after the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, Hernán Cortés granted land to his soldiers in which of the following present-day locations?

A. Chile

B. Brazil

C. Mexico

D. Peru

C. Mexico


Who was ruler of the Aztec when Cortes arrived in Mexico?

  1. Cortes
  2. Pizarro
  3. Atahualpa
  4. Montezuma

D. Montezuma


Many people supported the Reformation because they objected to —

A.imperialistic foreign policies of the government

B.philosophical teachings of the Protestant Church

C.corrupt practices of the Roman Catholic Church

D.obvious social injustices of the feudal system

C. corrupt practices of the Roman Catholic Church


Which of the following most greatly impacted the Reformation in sixteenth-century Europe?

A.Innovations in cartography

B.Advanced shipbuilding technology

C. The development of movable-type printing press

D. The adoption of laissez-faire economic principles

C. The development of movable-type printing press


What are the 3 Gs of Exploration?

Gold, God, Glory


What civilization grew crops in “floating gardens” wet marshy lands

A. Aztec

B. Maya

C. Inca

D. Olmec

A. Aztec


In what civilization did most members peasant farm and who live in thatched huts and grow corn?

A. Aztec

B. Maya

C. Inca

D. Olmec

B. Maya


In the 1500’s, Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses, Henry VIII’s “Act of Supremacy,” and John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion contributed to -

A. A decline in the power of the Catholic Church

B.An increased sense of nationalism in Tudor England

C.The growing power of the feudal nobility in Europe

D.A major conflict with Eastern Orthodox Christians

A. A decline in the power of the Catholic Church


This person rallied French troops around king, successfully drove English out of Orleans, crowned new king at Reims Cathedral, and was betrayed, captured, burned at the stake by the English

Joan of Arc


What percentage of enslaved people died on the journey to the Americas?



Which civilization’s artists painted colorful murals to decorate their pyramids, palaces, and temples?

A. Aztec

B. Maya

C. Inca

D. Olmec

B. Maya


New technologies such as the astrolabe, the Mercator projection, and the printing press contributed to which of the following?

A. The Spring of Nations in the mid-nineteenth century

B. The rapid spread of Islam in the eighth and ninth centuries

C. The rise of fascism in Europe during the twentieth century

D. European expansion in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

D. European expansion in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries


This person invented the printing press in Germany

Johann Gutenberg


Effects of the Crusades included:

A. continued decline of feudalism

B. rise of a merchant class in Europe

C. exchange of goods and ideas between Europe and the eastern Mediterranean

D. All of the above

D. All of the above


This Portuguese explorer, discovered an all-water route from Europe to India, sailing around the southern tip of Africa in 1497.

Vasco da Gama


This explorer set sail from Panama to conquer the Inca of Peru, and was able to conquer the Inca capital by 1533.

Francisco Pizarro


This conquistador sailed from Cuba to Mexico with a small force of soldiers in search of gold and silver. Left Tenochtitlan, the capital, and made allies with the enemies of the Aztecs. With a few hundred Spaniard and several thousand Native American warriors, this conquistador attacked Tenochtitlan in 1521 defeating the Aztecs.

Hernan Cortes