This renaissance philosophy held that an person's religious life and public life can be separated from each other.
What is Secularism?
The first event of the Protestant Reformation is widely considered to be the posting of this document to the Wittenburg Cathedral door.
What are the 95 Theses?
Literacy rose as more books were written in these languages.
What are vernacular languages?
Often called the father of modern physics, this English physicist and Mathematician is known for formulating the theory of gravity. The story about the apple is probably just a legend.
Who is Isaac Newton?
Over 2000 new English words and phrases were invented by this English playwright and poet, whose works for both nobles and commoners rose in popularity during the Renaissance.
Who is William Shakespeare?
Named for the Latin word Humanitas, this renaissance philosophy focused on living better, happier lives. They were greatly inspired by classical Greece and Rome.
What is Humanism?
The Catholic Church initially responded to critics with this policy, which involves controlling what materials can and cannot be published.
What is Censorship?
In contrast to medieval artists, Renaissance artists made these people the subjects of their paintings, instead of just religious figures and kings.
What are ordinary people?
Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes helped establish this method, which instructs us to use observation, experimentation, and careful reasoning to discover scientific patterns.
What is the Scientific Method?
After his marriage annulment was denied by the Pope, this English king decided to take matters into his own hands, and form the Anglican Church.
Who is King Henry VIII?
This renaissance philosophy holds that the individual is more important than the larger community.
What is Individualism?
Spain and Portugal were busily exploring the New World while the rest of Europe was fighting over the Reformation. As a result, former Spanish and Portuguese colonies, like Mexico, Brazil, and the Philippines, largely follow this Christian sect.
What is Catholicism?
The renaissance really took off as the power of feudal overlords was gradually replaced by this new class of wealthy commoners.
What is the Mercantile class?
This device, invented by Johannes Gutenberg, led to both an explosion of literacy and later to the protestant reformation. The time it took to produce a book was shortened from several years to just a few days.
What is the printing press?
This English Queen finally brought peace and stability to her kingdom after years of conflict and violence between Catholics and Protestants.
Who is Elizabeth I?
What is Realism?
These two organizations were formed by the Catholic Church as a response to Protestantism. One to spread the gospel, one to fight heresy.
What are the Jesuits and the Inquisition?
Though his paintings are incredibly realistic and energetic, this renaissance artist's real passion was for sculpture. He wasn't willing to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling until the Pope himself gave the command.
Who is Michelangelo?
Though the decision would later be overturned, this Italian astronomer's belief in a heliocentric universe got him placed under house arrest by the Catholic church.
Who is Galileo?
After posting his theses, this German monk would be forced to either break away from the church or go against his conscience. He chose the first option. Centuries later, the church based on his teachings still bears his name.
Who is Martin Luther?
This word, coming from Greek and meaning "no place" has come to mean a perfect, imaginary place. The idea was first discussed by philosopher Thomas More during the renaissance.
What is Utopia?
This protestant sect was similar to Lutheranism, but believed strongly in the doctrine of predestination.
What is Calvinism?
Leonardo Da Vinci's interest in engineering, art, math, inventing, secret codes, and anatomy, all at the same time, earned him this timely nickname.
What is "The Renaissance Man?"
The ability to more easily create this material, which comes from sand and is formed at a temperature of almost 3000 degrees, was critical for the development of scientific tools, like thermometers, microscopes, and telescopes.
As powerful Florentine bankers, this renaissance family is well known for becoming patrons of several artists, including Brunelleschi and Michelangelo.
Who are the Medicis?