Italian City Republics

Giovanni Vasari, in a 16th century work of artistic propaganda, here shows ________________ surrounded by __________________ , well-earning his reputation as the "Needle of the Italian Compass".

Lorenzo Il Magnifico, foreign rulers


This building was the official seat of Florence's government throughout the Renaissance period

the Palazzo Vecchio


During the Middle Ages, many Italian city states were dominated by these structures, constructed by hostile nobles families for both defense and as symbols of their power. Bologna, most famously, was dominated by upwards of 200 of them around the year 1100..



Petrarch - the great humanist poet and philosopher - famously discovered a cache of letters by THIS famous Roman writer in the basement of the Verona Cathedral library. The Renaissance is sometimes said to have begun with this event.



These 2 paintings well-represent two characteristic qualities of Venetian Renaissance art: the clever use of _____________ and use of many ____________ .

light, colors


The city republics of northern Italy - often riven by internal factionalism - would often utilize the mediating services of a Podesta, an official thought to be above faction because he was ______________

from a foreign city state

Rediscovered ancient Greek knowledge was a primary catalyst of the Renaissance. Greek TEXTS came to Italy as _____________ was reconquered by Christians from the Muslims. In contrast, Greek TEACHERS fled to Italy as Muslims conquered the Christian empire whose capital was at ______________ .

Spain, Constantinople


Contessina de Bard, wife of Cosimo de Medici was the daughter of a famous Florentine ____________ and she was known for her ___________ .

Banking, outspokenness


The courtyard here of Palazzo Medici with its classically decorated columns, Roman arches and central fountain is the epitome of Renaissance architecture. The architect here was a Medici favorite - such a close associate that he even followed Cosimo into exile in 1433. His name was ________________ .


From 1482-1434, Florence's government was a relatively oligarchic - yet stable - republic. Although several elite families rotated power amongst themselves, the period is known for the most prominent of these families, the "Degli _________" .



From 1378-1382, Florence's republic fell under radical rule of its lowest social class, the wool carders, know more commonly as the "The _________ ". 

The Ciompi


Galeazzo Maria Sforza, the Duke of Milan, was also a famous ______________ , or military commander for hire. These mercenary captains and their armies dominated the military landscape of Renaissance Italy.



These doors of the Florentine Baptistery, the subject of a dramatic 1400 contest between Ghiberti and Brunelleschi, were so elegantly carved that Michaelangelo later named them the "__________ of __________ "

Gates of Paradise

The chief governmental body of Renaissance Florence was the ______________ , whose numbers were typically drawn by lot (sortition) and served for 2-month periods.


When plague struck Ferrara, Cosimo de Medici coordinated and paid for moving the great church council there to Florence. The council - a meeting between delegations from Catholic Rome and Greek Orthodox Constantinople, agreed that the pope would _____________________ in return for ______________ by the Greek Orthodox church.

provide military aid against the Ottoman Turks

submission to the authority of Rome

When Lorenzo de Medici's mother arranged his marriage to Clarice Orsini, the daughter of a great noble family from _________ , it strengthened the Medici family by ________________ .

Rome, securing support from powerful families OUTSIDE Florence


Giotto's masterwork - the Scrovegni Chapel at Padua - incorporated many of the innovations which differentiated Italo-Byzantine art from the new "Florentine" style. TWO examples of those innovations - visible in this panel example from the chapel - include:

Natural / Lifelike Gestures

Three Dimensional Figures

Realistic Portrayal of Clothing/Poses

Detailed Architectural/Landscape

Deliberate use of Space

Moving away from Gilding


The most democratic institution of most medieval / Renaissance city states was the "Parlamento". This was a mass meeting of all males aged _________ and above in the city, and Parlamentos were usually called to approve _____________________ .

14, changes of government


The executive of the Florentine Republic, an office refilled (in theory) by lot every 2 months was the Standard Bearer of Justice. In Italian, this was called the ______________



King Ferrante of Naples was famously cruel and vengeful. Perhaps most famously, in order to intimidate important visitors to his royal palace, he would give them a guided tour of his ____________________ .

Museum of Mummies