Architecture & Engineering
Science & Mathematics

How did Brunelleschi build a dome that wouldn't collapse?

He used eight stone arches that leaned against each other. The arches were supported by hoops of iron, wood, and brick.


Fill in the blank: Renaissance painters were influenced by the renewed interest in _________ ________ and the spread of humanism.

Classical Culture


How tall is Michelangelo's "David"?

17 Feet!


Who was the first well-known writer to create literature in his native language.

Dante Alighieri


Who was the most creative Renaissance thinker that was an artist, scientist, and an inventor?

Leonardo da Vinci


Describe two ways the classical ideas influenced Renaissance architecture.

Example: Renaissance buildings were modeled on ancient ruins. They had Green and Roman inspired features such as arches, columns, and domed roofs.


How did oil paint help artists create Renaissance art?

Example: Oil paint allowed artists to paint over previous work and to show details and texture in new ways.


What was so amazing about Michelangelo's David?

Michelangelo's "David" was enormous, beautiful, and showed complex emotions.


Fill in the Blank: Like Dante, other writers wrote using the ________ __________, so their words touched many more people.

Local Dialect 


List four sciences mathematics topics Leonardo explored in his notebooks.

Example: Geometry, engineering, anatomy, motion, sound, architecture, and more.


What did wealthy families build in the town?

Private townhouses - Palazzi (Palaces)


Who made Renaissance Florence a thriving center of art?

Wealthy patrons; The Medicis Family


What was so amazing about Donatello's David?

Donatello's "David" was a life-size nude that showed personality and mood and was very natural and lifelike.


What are the three imaginary stages of journey that Dante Alighieri witnessed?

Purgatorio, Paradiso, & Inferno


Who proved gravity?

Galileo Galilei


Why did Florentine architects leave openings for  domes?

Florentine architects didn't know how to build a large enough dome that would not collapse.


Describe two Renaissance advances in painting techniques.

Example: Renaissance painters used geometry to divide space, perspective to make scenes look more realistic, and oil paint to redo work and show new details and textures.


Fill in the Blank: Sculptures in the Renaissance seemed to symbolize the humanist ideals of __________ and ___________.

Independence & Individuality


How is Dante's "The Divine Comedy" and example of humanist art?

Dante's work expressed strong emotions, was about the experience of individuals, and commented on society and people of the time.


Before the Renaissance, what did most people rely on about the natural world?

Most people relied on Greek and Roman texts.


Who designed and built the first dome that was 300 feet tall, and did not have openings? (Hint: This person also invented hoists.)

Filippo Brunelleschi


Describe three Renaissance advances in painting styles.

Example: Renaissance figures were more realistic, with lifelike poses and emotions. Renaissance art used more realistic backgrounds, giving a sense of depth, or space.


Describe two ways in which Renaissance sculpture was different from medieval sculpture.

Example: Renaissance sculptures were three-dimensional, freestanding, looked like real people, and showed emotions.


Describe two ways in which Renaissance literature differed from medieval literature.

Example: Medieval literature were usually about religious subjects and was written in Latin and in an impersonal style. Renaissance literature included works about nonreligious subjects and was written in local dialects and in a more personal style.


How did the study of science change during the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance, people used a new approach: they questioned old ideas, made careful observations, performed experiments, and analyzed the results.