Renaissance People 1
Renaissance People 2
Renaissance Facts
Renaissance Technology
Renaissance Art

The person who invented the printing press.

Who was Johannes Gutenberg?


A French warrior woman, burned at the stake by the English at the age of 19. She professed that she could communicate with angels and that she had prophetic visions.

Who was Joan of Arc?


A device used for navigation and invented by the Chinese that relies on the magnetic field of the planet to do its job.

What is the magnetic compass?


In Main, Germany, around 1450.

Where and when was the printing press invented?


A famous fresco that is considered a masterpiece of Renaissance art and shows a gathering of ancient Greek philosophers and scientists. 

What is the School of Athens?


The Maid of Orleans

What was Joan of Arc's nickname?


"il Sommo Poeta"

How is Dante Alighieri known as in Italian?


A book written by Niccolo Machiavelli in 1513 that teaches about politics, government and how a ruler can gain a lot of power. 

What is "The Prince"?


A Renaissance invention that makes faraway objects look bigger, brighter and closer by gathering light and focusing it to a single point with the help of curved mirrors, lenses or both.

What is a telescope?


Probably the most famous sculpture created by Michelangelo, considered to be a symbol of the Renaissance period.

What is The David?


A highly educated and rich woman who supported Baroque artists, dressed as a man, abandoned her throne in Sweden, and changed her faith from Protestant to Catholic.

Who was Queen Christina?


The first European who circumnavigated the globe.

Who was Ferdinand Magellan?


An organization of the Catholic church whose purpose was to fight different "heresies", or beliefs it did not agree with. It tortured and killed many people who supported Martin Luther's Reformation.

What was the Inquisition?


A weapon invented in China that uses gunpowder to propel a projectile, and which became very popular around the world throughout the Renaissance. It was considered the best type of weapon for ships and it slowly made castles and fortifications obsolete.

What is the cannon?


One of the three greatest Renaissance painters from Italy, and a rival of Michelangelo, he died because he was given the wrong medicine during a fever.

Who was Raphael?


A very powerful family that ruled Florence, Italy from 1300 to 1600 and controlled the biggest bank in Europe at the time. They were great supporters of Renaissance artists and scientists.

What was the House of Medici? 


A German monk and theologian who devoted his life to God after surviving a terrible thunderstorm and who became famous for criticizing the practices of the Roman Catholic church in his 95 theses.

Who was Martin Luther?


A term that refers to a variety of subjects, including languages, literature, music, philosophy, politics, history, media, the classics, religion, dance, visual art and theatre. 

What are the humanities?


A practice that began during the 14th century in Venice, in an effort to protect coastal cities from plague epidemics, and which required ships to sit at anchor for 40 days (quaranta giorni) before being allowed to land at the port.

What is quarantine?


The most famous section in The Divine Comedy, the first 34 cantos of the poem.

What is Dante's Inferno? 


An English king from the House of Tudor who left the Catholic church and established his own Protestant church, so he could divorce his wife.

Who was Henry VIII?


The name of the theory about space developed by Nicholas Copernicus which replaced geocentrism.

What is heliocentrism? 


A term used to describe a very clever person who is good at many different things.

What is a Renaissance man (or a polymath)?


A small sailing ship developed by the Portuguese in the 15th century and used by explorers and traders. It is highly maneuverable, fast and able to sail against the wind.

What is the caravel?


A building  in London that could house 3000 people seating and 1000 standing, built by Shakespeare for showing his plays.

What was the Globe Theatre?