This composer devoted himself to music for the Catholic church.
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palesterina
A mostly polyphonic piece for several solo voices set to a short poem, usually about love.
A polyphonic choral work set to Latin text made up of: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.
Mass (Mass Ordinary)
Renaissance means this.
Which European country was that leading music center of the 16th century?
He had an international career and worked for Louis XII of France.
Josquin Desprez
Secular vocal music that is mostly homophonic with the melody in the highest voice and a Fa-la refrain.
Ballett / Fa-la
Word Painting
What kind of musical groups grew during the Renaissance?
Church choirs
He is a native of Venice and wrote polychoral motets.
Giovani Gabrieli
A motet written for two or more choirs.
Polychoral motet
Unaccompanied vocal music.
A cappella
Where did the leading Renaissance composers come from?
Low countries
He lived from 1440-1521.
Josquin Desprez
A dance in duple meter.
Instrumental music was intended for what?
Music written for every day life outside of the church.
What are the people called who live in the same town and sing or play instruments together regularly?
Town musicians
He lived from 1525-1594.
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
A dance in triple meter.
Instrumental music was adapted from what?
vocal music
Music written for the church.
What technological advancement granted more people access to information including books and sheet music?