Who painted the Mona Lisa, Last Supper, and studied Anatomy?
Art, religion, and ____ sparked the Renaissance.
A. Polytheism
B. Feudalism
C. Humanism
D. Isolationism
C. Humanism
Who used the telescope to discover more about outer space including the idea that Jupiter has 4 moons?
This invention led to mass amounts of Bibles being printed.
Printing Press
Printing Press
Who created the movable type printing press?
What country did the European Renaissance begin in?
Who discovered the idea of gravity?
Isaac Newton
Who began the Protestant Movement and nailed the 95 Theses to the doors of the church?
Martin Luther
This new idea was a change in thinking that inspired individuals to create and express themselves.
A. Isolationism
B. Humanism
C. Polytheism
D. Theocracy
B. Humanism
Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel during the Renaissance?
Renaissance means ____ in french. Hint- another word for Renaissance.
Name the theory that says the sun is in the center of the universe.
Heliocentric Theory
Which practice of the Catholic Church did Martin Luther criticize in his Ninety-Five Theses of 1517? Where you could give money to have your sins forgiven?
Sale of Indulgences
What is the name of the theory where the EARTH is the center of the Universe?
Geocentric Theory
Why did King Henry VII want to leave the Catholic Church?
He wanted a divorce and they did not allow divorce.
What was the time period of the Renaissance?
A. 1600-1700
B. 1300-1500
C. 1800-1850
D. 1500-1900
Define a revolution
Type of change in the world
A. Divided
B. Unified
A. Divided
What is someone called who gives money to support a group or organization?
Who is responsible for the idea of theocracy? Which means combining church and government. If you are a member of his following, then you join a presbytery.
A. Martin Luther
B. John Calvin
C. King Henry
D. Pope Leo
B. John Calvin
Name one location that most influenced the European Renaissance.
Greece or Rome
The Catholic Church reacted negatively to the spread of knowledge during the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution because the new discoveries ____ the teachings of the church.
Challenged/ went against
"As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs."
This saying references which Catholic practice that was criticized by Martin Luther?
Sale of Indulgences
What is the idea of government being led by religious people?