
Popular with scenic designers of this era, this painting technique gives images depth.

What is perspective drawing?


These three factors contributed to the start of the Renaissance in Italy.

What are remnants of the Roman Empire, strategic spot when it came to trade routes, and making bank from trade routes?


A major difference between Commedia and other 16th century plays re:casting.

What is the regular casting of women?


This is what most comedy plays of the time concluded with in order to meet audience expectations of a classic “happy ending”

What is a wedding?


Making its debut in 1560, this part of the theatre frames the stage and remains a component of most indoor theatres to this day.

What is the Proscenium Arch?


In the early modern period of England (1590-1642) these people played the female roles

Who are boys from ages 8-18


These are the two fundamental characteristics of Commedia dell’arte.

What are Improvisation and stock characters?


As audiences began to expect a higher standard of playwriting, actors began to gradually stop doing this particular thing during their performances.

What is Improvisation/going off-script?


This allowed settings to be shifted more easily, but could not be implemented until new methods of scenic painting were developed.

What are flat wings?


The printing press impacted religion in these three ways

What are Bibles becoming more available, translated in the vernacular, and the formation of different opinions of the relationship to God.


These techniques helped university and grammar school students learn Latin.

What is performing the works of Roman playwrights and write their own plays in Latin?


This playwright debuted in the 1590s alongside William Shakespeare and was the first English playwright to edit and publish a collection of his own plays.

Who is Ben Jonson?


A system of pulleys and winches that changed all scenic elements simultaneously.

What is the chariot-and-pole system?


This event caused scholars from the Byzantine Empire to flee to Italy

What is the invasion by the Ottoman empire?


The skill-level of actors performed in Commedia dell’arte.

What are professional actors?


Written by Thomas Kyd, this famous play tells the story of a man seeking revenge for the murder of his son and popularized the subgenre of bloody revenge tragedies.

What is The Spanish Tragedy?


Written by Leon Battista Alberti, this book was influential in compiling and distributing rules for perspective drawing.

What is Della Pittura?


These are two reasons playwrights had little incentive to see their own works in print.

What are playwrights didn’t not make much money off printing it and they only got money through selling their plays to theatres?


Soliloquies were discouraged in Neoclassic Italian theatre for this reason.

What is "it is unnatural for characters to speak aloud while alone and express private matters in public"?


This is the final body count of the play The Duchess of Malfi, written by John Webster, in which a spy avenges the death of a duchess and her children.

What is ten deaths in all!