Signs and Symptoms

Which type of urinary tract stones are the most common and often obstruct the ureter?

A) Cystine

B) Uric acid

C) Calcium oxalate

D) Calcium phosphate

What is Calcium oxalate?


Which characteristic is more likely associated with acute pyelonephritis than a lower UTI?

A) Fever

B) Dysuria

C) Urgency

D) Frequency

What is a fever?


A nurse in a long-term care facility is caring for an elderly adult client who has dementia and begins to have frequent episodes of urinary incontinence. After the provider determines no medical cause for the client's incontinence, which of the following interventions should the nurse initiate to manage this behavior?

A) Remind the client to tell the nurse when he has to urinate.

B) Use adult diapers to prevent frequent clothing changes.

C) Take the client to the bathroom every 2 hr.

D) Request a order for an indwelling urinary catheter.

What is Take the client to the bathroom every 2 hr?


What would the nurse include in a teaching plan for a female patient with a UTI?

A) Empty the bladder at least 4 times a day

B) Drink at least 2 quarts of water every day

C) Wait to urinate until the urge is very intense

D) Clean the urinary meatus with an anti-infective agent after voiding

What is Drink at least 2 quarts of water every day?


A nurse is caring for an elderly client who has a urinary tract infection (UTI). Which of the following manifestations should the nurse identify as a finding specifically associated with this client?

A) Urinary retention

B) Low back pain

C) Incontinence

D) Confusion

What is confusion?


What causes glomerulonephritis characterized by glomerular damage?

A) Growth of microorganisms in the glomeruli

B) Release of bacterial substances toxic to the glomeruli

C) Accumulation of immune complexes in the glomeruli

D) Hemolysis of red blood cells circulating in the glomeruli

What is Accumulation of immune complexes in the glomeruli?


A nurse is caring for a client who has polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?

A) Flank pain

B) Hypotension

C) Confusion

D) Urinary retention

What is Flank pain?


In many cases common what can patients at risk for kidney stones do to prevent them?

A) Lead an active lifestyle

B) Limit protein and acidic foods in the diet

C) Drink enough fluids to produce dilute urine

D) Prophylactic antibiotics to control UTI

What is Drink enough fluids to produce dilute urine?


A nurse is assessing an older adult client who reports a sudden onset of urinary incontinence. The nurse should recognize which of the following conditions can cause incontinence in the older adult client?

A) Nephrosclerosis

B) Uremia

C) Diverticulitis

D) Cystitis

What is cystitis?


Which test is required to diagnose pyelonephritis?

A) Renal biopsy

B) Blood Culture

C) Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)

D) Urine for culture and sensitivity

What is Urine for culture and sensitivity?


What is the most common cause of acute pyelonephritis resulting from the ascending infection from the lower urinary tract?

A) The kidney is scarred and fibrotic

B) The Organism is resistant to antibiotics

C) There is a pre-existing abnormality of the urinary tract

D) The patient does not take all of the antibiotics for the treatment of UTI

What is There is a pre-existing abnormality of the urinary tract?


While caring for a 77-year-old woman who has an indwelling urinary catheter, the nurse monitors the patient for the development of a UTI. What clinical manifestations would indicate a UTI?

A) Cloudy urine and fever

B) Urethral burning and bloody urine

C) Vague abdominal discomfort and disorientation

D) Suprapubic pain and slight decline in body temperature

What is Vague abdominal discomfort and disorientation?


A woman with no history of UTI who has urgency, frequency and dysuria comes to the clinic. A dipstick and microscopic urinalysis indicate bacteriuria. What would the nurse anticipate for this patient?

A) Obtaining a clean-catch midstream urine specimen for culture and sensitivity

B) No treatment with medication unless she develops fever, chills and flank pain

C) Empirical treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) for 3 days

D) Need to have a blood specimen drawn for CBC and kidney function test

What is Empirical treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) for 3 days?


A nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for ciprofloxacin to treat an uncomplicated UTI. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include?

A) "Take this medication with an antacid."

B) "Monitor for tendon pain."

C) "Drink 1,000 milliliters of fluid daily."

D) "Expect urine to turn dark orange."

What is monitor for tendon pain?


A nurse is planning care for a client who has acute glomerulonephritis secondary to strep throat. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan?

A) Administer antibiotics.

B) Encourage increased fluid intake.

C) Obtain weight weekly.

D) Encourage frequent ambulation.

What is administer antibiotics?


A nurse assessing a client notes that the client has a constant leakage of small amounts of urine and a bladder that is distended and palpable. The nurse should associate these findings with which of the following types of urinary incontinence?

A) Stress incontinence

B) Urge incontinence

C) Overflow incontinence

D) Reflex incontinence

What is overflow incontinence?


When assessing the patient with a kidney stone passing down the ureter, what would the nurse expect the patient to report?

A) A history of chronic UTI

B) dull, costovertebral flank pain

C) severe, colicky back pain radiating to the groin

D) feeling of bladder fullness with urgency and frequency

What is severe, colicky back pain radiating to the groin?


Which food or drinks should be restricted to prevent calcium oxalate stones?

A) Milk and milk products

B) dried beans and dried fruit

C) liver, kidney, and sweet breads

D) spinach, cabbage and tomatoes

What is spinach, cabbage and tomatoes?


A nurse is caring for a client who has acute glomerulonephritis. Which of the following actions is the nurse's priority?

A) Place the client on a high sodium diet.

B) Check the client's daily weight.

C) Educate the patient and family about potential complications.

D) Maintain a saline-lock.

What is check daily weights?


A nurse is caring for a client who reports recurrent flank pain, nausea, and vomiting for 24 hr. Which of the following actions is the nurse's priority?

A) Monitor intake and output.

B) Strain the urine.

C) Administer pain medication.

D) Administer an antiemetic.

What is administer pain medication?


Which classification of urinary tract infection is described as infection of the renal parenchyma, renal pelvis, and ureters?

What is an Upper UTI?


A nurse is caring for a client who has impaired renal function. For which of the following findings should the nurse notify the provider?

A) Urine output of 175 mL in the past 8 hr

B) Urine output of 2,200 mL in the past 24 hr

C) First-voided urine in the morning has a strong odor

D) Urine is cloudy after sitting in the urinal for 6 hr

What is Urine output of 175 mL in the past 8 hr?


The following electrohydraulic lithotripsy for treatment of kidney stones, the patient is at risk for infection. What is the most appropriate nursing intervention?

A) Monitor for hematuria

B) encouraged fluid intake of three liters per day

C) apply moist heat to the flank area

D) strain all urine through gauze or a special strainer

What is encouraged fluid intake of three liters per day?


A nurse is teaching a group of nursing students about pyelonephritis. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching?

A) "Pyelonephritis increases a pregnant woman’s risk for preterm labor."

B) "Pyelonephritis is most often caused by Staphylococcus saprophyticus."

C) "Pyelonephritis is an infection of the lower urinary tract."

D) "Pyelonephritis often causes no symptoms in affected clients."

What is "Pyelonephritis increases a pregnant woman’s risk for preterm labor."?


A nurse is caring for a client who has a new diagnosis of urolithiasis. Which of the following should the nurse identify as an associated risk factor?

A) Hypocalcemia

B) BMI less than 25

C) Family history

D) Diuretic use

What is Family history?