Urinary Retention
Urinary Retention cont. & Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence/ Bladder training
Neurogenic bladder

The inability to void despite an urge to void; incomplete bladder emptying. Can be caused by physical obstruction of the urethra from an acute or chronic cause. What am I?

Urinary Retention


Involuntary loss of urine from the bladder caused by UTI, lack of sphincter control, sudden abdominal pressure changes like coughing, sneezing, laughing, etc. is called what?

Urinary Incontinence 


What is of paramount importance for urinary incontinence? 

Skin care 


Dysfunction of the bladder caused by a CNS or PNS lesion where the lesion interferes with normal nerve conduction to the urinary bladder, loss of voluntary voiding control occurs, and results in urinary retention or incontinence is called 

what is a Neurogenic bladder


Where do UTI's occur?

Anywhere in urinary tract


Acute urinary retention can be caused by Anesthesia, and Local trauma to urinary structures. 

Chronic urinary retention can be caused by enlarged prostate, strictures, and tumors.  

What can cause either type of urinary retention? 



What is a major reason for the institutionalization of older adults?

frequent urinary incontinence 


What other medical management can be taken for urinary incontinence other than skin care (name 3/6)

1. treat underlying cause 2. surgical repair of bladder 3. temporary or permanent catheter 4. Bladder habit training 5. Kegel exercises 6. Medications 


What are the 2 types of neurogenic bladder called? 

what are Automatic/ spastic and Atonic/flaccid 


Causes of UTI's include: 

(list 3)

Nosocomial (hospital acquired) infection, bladder obstruction, insufficient bladder emptying, decreased bactericidal secretions of the prostate, perineal soiling in females, sexual intercourse


clinical manifestations of urinary retention include...

1. Distended bladder 2. discomfort in pelvic region 3. voiding frequent, small amounts 


List at least 3 medical management/nursing interventions of urinary retention 

hydration (3,000ml/day), warm shower/sitz bath, natural voiding position, urinary catheter, surgical removal of obstruction, analgesics, anti-spasmodics


What type of medications are used for urge incontinence?

Anticholinergics such as oxybutynin and phenazopyridine


Medical management for neurogenic bladder consists of these 3 things:

Self-catheterization, bladder training with self stimulation, and urecholine (medication that stimulates bladder contractility)


feeling of "fullness" not relieved by urination, urgency, frequency, incontinence, dysuria/ painful urination, bladder cramping/spasms, Nocturia, voiding in small amounts, abdominal discomfort, perineal or back pain, dark, cloudy and/or blood tinged urine with foul odor, and confusion are all symptoms of what? 



What amount of residual volume indicates need for treatment following a bladder scan? 



if patient has urinary retention, when continence is established, pt should be asked to void to see if bladder is emptying properly. if residual urine is greater than ______ml, pt still needs a foley. 



What type of medications are used for Stress incontinence? 

Tricyclic antidepressants such as imipramine 


Spinal cord is completely transected above sacral ligaments resulting is loss of urge to void and reflexive urination (violent and involuntary) occurs describes what kind of neurogenic bladder?

Automatic/ spastic 


urinary analgesics such as Pyridium, meticulous catheter care, wearing cotton underwear, having pt void at first urge and before and after intercourse, and wiping front to back are all _______ ____________ of UTI's.

Medical management or nursing interventions


If retention can lead to reflux and cause kidney damage and toxins to build up, urinary stasis can lead to __________, which is sometimes the first thing that leads someone to get treatment. 

What is Infection? 


clinical manifestations of urinary incontinence include urge (when a pt cannot hold urine when stimulus to void occurs), Stress (when pressure causes incontinence), and ____________ (when pt. cannot physically get to bathroom or is not aware of the stimulus to void) 



Increasing voluntary control over voiding by developing the perineal muscles through Kegel exercises or habit training (establishing a void schedule) is called 

Bladder training


Sensory nerves from bladder to spinal cord are destroyed resulting in infrequent voiding, incontinence, bladder over distention, increase in residual urine, and non-reflexive bladder (no release of urine) describes what kind of neurogenic bladder?

Atonic/ Flaccid


this med treats UTI's caused by gram-negative microbes 

Quinolones/ nalidixic acid